Chapter 3

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" They wanna see me fold, but I will never sell my soul." 


As I woke up this morning, I felt really bad about what I did with Chad last night, and not only did I felt bad but I felt like a hoe. Yes we were caught up in the moment but I shouldn't have let him did what he did and took it that far.

My dad is furious at me and I hate to make him upset. I knew I screwed up when he told me he was disappointed in me and that actually hit deep.

What hit deep the most is that Chad has a girlfriend and I know for a fact that he looks at me as just a fuck. I couldn't believe I let it go that far.

Today was the start of midterm break and I was excited to get away from school work. My mom took the twins to see our grandfather before he went back home and Lael was nowhere to be found as usual.

At home was awkwardly quiet today then it usually is. A typical day at my home is filled with noised, well at least Ajah and Aiden arguing every second.

When I got up from my bed, I went over to my dresser to check my phone. As I was checking my phone, it started to ring and I quickly answered.

Shyla: Hey hoe

" Wassup hoe." I replied back as I made my way into my closet to search for something to wear.

" Nothing. Madi & I are going to the beach today, do you want to come." She questioned. I thought about it for a second because today I had planned to sleep the entire day.

" At what time." I wondered.

" Shit, we about to get ready now." She answered.

" Well ight, I'm going to get ready." I replied. We both said our goodbyes then hanged up the phone. I was about to head into my bathroom until my phone ranged again, but this time it was Chad. I rolled my eyes at the sight of his name and contemplated if I should answer or not.

" What do you want Chad." I mumbled.

" Damn' a nigga can't tell you good morning." He asked.

" Damn don't this nigga have a girlfriend." I tossed back as I rolled my eyes.

" Man chill, you act like we fucking around or some' we just friends." He replied. I couldn't help but to hiss my teeth at his dumb ass.

" Okay, now what do you want." I asked again.

" I just wanted to hear ya voice man. My dad made me fly out this morning and a nigga bored, but I'll be back this evening ." He replied.

" Oh, well I am about to get ready. Shyla, madi and I are going to the beach." I answered.

" Shit, I forgot today is a holiday. I know for a fact that m the beach gon be packed with a bunch of thick ass hoes.."

" Damn Chad, that's all you care about is a bunch of hoes. When are you going to ever change." I asked as I started to strip out of my clothes.

" I'm gon change whenever I find somebody that makes me want to change." He answered.

" What about your girl." I asked.

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