Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader: Unknown Confessions

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Iwa-chan is here!! He's so awesome and he tries to be strong for his team aaaaahhhh I cry. Anyway here you guys go. Enjoy!

You were having a bad day. There was no way around that. But when your eyes landed on a certain spiky haired male in your class, your day suddenly turned a million times better. He was looked very serious as usual, so you decided to give him your best smile ever.

"Hey Iwa what's going on?"

Without even looking up Iwaizumi said, "What're you so happy about?" You chuckled softly at him, taking your seat right in front of him.

"Seeing you frown makes me happy. So I'm happy almost all the time actually." You replied, getting out your pencil and notebook. Iwaizumi narrowed his grey eyes at you, but he couldn't come up with a solid comeback to your comment.

"....Whatever!" He blurted out, crossing his arms over his broad chest as he slouched downward in his chair. "At least I have an A plus in this class..."

"Oi I only have an A minus you...you...ass!" You retorted your voice coming out higher and louder than you had intended. Iwaizumi furrowed his eyebrows, his lips forming a wicked smirk.

"Ha y/n...cat got your tongue?"

"Shut up!"

Iwaizumi's smirk widened but he couldn't say something because your teacher slammed his book down on the front podium and class started.


"Hey y/n! Wait up!" Iwaizumi called out. School had finally ended, so you wondered why he wasn't at volleyball practice. You peered over your shoulder, your heart beginning to pound in your chest. Whenever he was around you he always managed to make you flustered. But you would fight your quesiness because you really did enjoy his company.

"H-Hey Iwa...what's up? Don't you have volleyball practice like everyday?"

"I got off today cause I've been doing overtime for weeks now." He said, giving you a small smile. He looked unusually happy now...it was a nice look on him.

"Damn they should pay you or something! I can't even imagine going overtime on something like exercise...and to do it willingly...ugh!" You said, sticking your tongue out slightly for emphasis. Iwaizumi scoffed at you, his shoulders bumping into yours for a brief moment.

You were painfully aware of the lack of distance between you two, and you wished that the blindingly bright sun would just set already so he wouldn't be able to see you blushing.

"Y/n...it's a nice day out today huh." Iwaizumi commented looking up at the fluffly white clouds overhead. You hummed in response, your cheeks still burning fiercely. "Yep...it's a real nice day. D-Do you want ice cream?" Iwaizumi asked you suddenly, his eyes completely focused on the sky now.

You turned towards him, surprised by his question. Where did he come up with ice cream?

"U-Um, ok. Where were you thinking?"

"There's a place nearby...this way." He said, pointing to a street that you believed led to a main street with a lot of stores and restaurants. "I-I mean, only if you still want to. I just thought it would be nice to cool off you know?"

"No I still want to. I have money--"

"I'll pay!" Iwaizumi practically shouted out. You flinched slightly, giving him a tiny smile.

"Thanks Iwa. I owe you!"

The conversation soon died down and left you two in comfortable silence. A gentle breeze blew by, ruffling up Iwaizumi's dark brown hair. He looked so calm and happy, you were really getting curious why he was acting like this. You two hadn't reached the main street yet so you decided it was the perfect time to ask him about his mood.

"Hey Iwa. You're in a good mood...why?"

"Do I need a reason? Besides I think you know why." He said with a small grin on his face, leaving you more confused than ever.

You shook your head and stopped in your tracks. "No I don't know why. Was it something I said?"

Iwaizumi's mouth dropped open his grey eyes widening in what looked like absolute fear. "Y-You wrote me a letter...you put it in my locker. It was a-a...confession letter. You signed it?"

Now it was your turn to be shocked. "I didn't do tha--" you began to say but you felt your phone buzz wildly in your pocket. You stopped for a moment and pulled out your phone, seeing Oikawa's name on the screen.

Your heart thumped in your chest, as you opened your messages.

Heeeeey y/n!! Don't get too mad at me :p but I did something...kind of rash!

Maybe it wasn't what you were thinking. Who knows right?

So I figured how to do your signature...and I kinda copied your handwriting so I wrote Iwa-chan a love letter! ;) for u!! Good luck!!

You clutched your phone so tightly you thought it would break. This situation was beyond angering! You should have been the one to confess!

But...if you were being honest it probably would have taken you a few years to tell Iwaizumi how your really felt.

"Iwa. I really need you to listen to me  right now." You said, trying to calm yourself. "I didn't write that letter...but I do feel that. Ugh! I like you a lot and Oikawa tried to help me but I feel like he beat me to the punch or something!"

"I feel so stupid...here I thought we were already dating! That's why I asked you about the ice cream. And damn it! That's why I was in such a good mood."


"I wanna date you! I don't care if the letter is fake...I like you and I was so frickin' happy about the thought of being your boyfriend."

"I like you so much Iwaizumi! I want to get ice cream with you...you're still paying right?"

"Definitely!" Iwaizumi shouted, his grey eyes shining with a newfound intensity that you loved. He linked your arm with his, making you blush fiercely. "Let's go!"

"Wonderful!" You replied, matching your steps with his as you two walked down the street together, both of you knowing that you were now a couple.

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