Kei Tsukishima x Reader: A Chance Encounter

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This oneshot will take place after Tsukishima and the reader are graduated from Karasuno High. I personally have a headcanon that Tsukishima will play volleyball in college and has a great chance of going pro (cause he's so freakin' tall and talented). This piece will also have female pronouns so bear with me. Enjoy!

You pulled at your skirt in agitation and tried to pin up your messy h/c locks. You decided it wasn't worth the time, as you were already running late for your job at the public library. You threw on a nice black jacket paired with your most comfortable boots.

As you ran quickly out of your house you couldn't help but feel agravated already. You were never late for your job considering you lived a few blocks away from the library, but today you woke up strangely late all thanks to your cheap alarm clock. Then you had burned most of your breakfast because you were in such a hurry. Multitasking was definitely not your strong suit.

You finally got to the library and hurried up the stone steps as quick as you could, hoping no one would notice your lateness.

The cool air-conditioned atmosphere of the library hit you all at once when you opened the glass door and strode in.

"Good morning y/'re late." your peer and friend Mari said smirking at you from behind her counter.

"Ugh I'm sorry it was just a bad morning. But don't count on it happening again though, just because I don't want you making fun of me." you said chuckling softly as you took your place behind the counter.

"Actually y/n you got here just in time to re-shelve returned books." Mari said. "Since you're late, I'm gonna let you handle that hehehe." Mari said grinning as she wheeled the book cart to you.

"Alright alright, that's fair." you said pouting as you got up and took the cart from her with a heavy heart.

You decided to start re-shelving as many books as you could near the windows were it was brighter and less stuffy. You squatted down on the ground and started tried to find books that belonged on the bottom shelf. Re-shelving isn't so bad I guess, you thought to yourself as you got lost in the quietness of the library.

You looked up suddenly as a familiar voice tore you away from your thoughts.  

"Y/n? Is that you?" asked a tall man with sandy blond hair and glasses. He was wearing an intense black jacket with a crisp white collared shirt, and you had to admit he looked really handsome. He also looked so familiar, and how did he know your name?

"Um can I help you?" you asked quietly, as you stood up and adjusted your skirt. 

"It's me Tsukishima Kei, we were in the same graduating class at Karasuno High..."

You pondered for a moment before gasping. "OH...yeah! You were in the volleyball club. I actually went to one of your games once, you were really good." you said encouragingly. You and Tsukishima never talked to eachother to much during high school, but you considered him to be an acquaintance.

"Thanks, now I'm on my colleges volleyball team," he said rubbing the back of his neck and grinning with mock humility, "and I'm even on the starting lineup even though there are a few taller guys." He leaned on the low wooden bookshelf and jutted his chin out slightly.

Hmm, he's obviously proud of himself, I should definitely encourage him!

"Wow Tsukishima that's amazing!" you exclaimed, loudly enough for multiple people to shush you. You apologized to them softly feeling your face grow warm from embarrassment. Tsukishima snickered at your reaction and you hid your face in your hands.

"So what's it like working in the library? Is it a high stakes job?" he asked you, obviously trying to push your buttons.

"Hmmm...well there was a lady that fell asleep near the romance section one time. We almost called an ambulance, because she wouldn't wake up." you told him, smiling because of your incredibly exciting story.

"Wow y/n that's riveting." he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he adjusted his glasses quickly. You pouted and asked him if he had any exciting stories to share.

"One time during one of my college games I broke my right index finger. It hurt a fair amount. but it turned out fine." he said in a monotone voice. You gulped, trying to figure out what to say next.

His yellow eyes narrowed as he suppressed another smirk. "What? Did that impress you or something?" he asked you.

"Yeah it did. I mean that sounds so intense Tsukishima...that's crazy I mean I didn't know volleyball was so intense!" you replied leaning forward with excitement. Tsukishima's eyes widened slightly because of the lack of space between you two, and a faint blush began to coat his cheeks.

He stopped leaning on the bookshelf and tried to regain his composure, as he ran his hand through his short blonde hair. 

"You could always come to one of my games, uhm, once the season starts of course." he told you and your heart began to race. Wow that sounds like so much fun!

"Tsukishima that sounds awesome, I'd love to do that..."

"Y/n! Get back to work please." Mari interjected, a grin etched on her face as she eyed the both of you from across the aisle. Damn you Mari! 

"Ok, I'm getting back to it Mari." you said, quickly snatching a book from the book cart as Tsukishima glanced at you, unsure of what to do now. You gave him a soft smile and apologized to him for the interruption.

"It's fine y/n, I should go anyway...b-but here's my number just in case you want something else, somewhere that's not a smelly gym, or a library." he said, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen from his jacket pocket. You took the paper from him once he had written his number down and you beamed up at him brightly.

He looked down at the floor, probably thinking that your smile was too bright to look at without protection.

"Thanks Tsukishima, I'd love to do something somewhere else too." you said snickering quietly.

"Oi don't just repeat what I said, it's childish." 

"I'm not repeating what you said, that would be childish."

"......I've changed my mind I don't want to do anything with you somewhere else. Have a nice life y/n." Tsukishima huffed, walking away from you quickly. You suppressed a laughing at him, he was so flustered.

"I'll call you tomorrow then!"

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