Tetsuro Kuroo x Reader: First Date

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Look at him. He's beautiful!! I feel like every oneshot collection has an abundance of Kuroo, but like...it's completely understandable lol. He's definitely a great character, and he was really fun to write for ^_^ Enjoy! 

"Kuroooo are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, of course. Wait...what did you just say before you asked me if I was listening?"

You sighed, and rolled your eyes at him. "I asked you if you understood the phases of mitosis. It's going to be on the test tomorrow."

He nodded his head and smirked, leaning forward from across the small table you two were sharing. "Why don't you teach it to me again?"

You shook your head, deciding to be stubborn about this. "I know you are good at science, so don't play dumb with me Kuroo. I'm not going over this again."

He snickered, and leaned back in his chair. "I've just had a lot on my mind." Kuroo stated, looking up at the grey ceiling of the library. You looked down at your textbook, and pressed your lips together. He actually sounded a little sad when he said that.

I wonder what could possibly be on his mind...

You decided to ask him upfront what was bothering him. He would probably do the same for you after all. "Kuroo, is everything ok?"

He paused for a moment, still looking at the ceiling intently. He sighed, as if he was preparing to say something difficult. His smoldering eyes, didn't even look at you when he asked, "If I were to ask you out on a date, would you say yes?"

You gulped and looked up from your textbook. He was still leaning back in his chair, his eyes glued to the ceiling.

"I would...say yes." you replied softly, and with a loud crash, Kuroo fell back in his chair. His legs flew up in the air awkwardly as he fell, and you wondered if you should laugh at him or be concerned. You got up from your seat and walked over to where he was on the floor. He grunted, and rolled over, now sitting cross legged on the floor. When he finally looked up at you, you realized that the blush on his face matched his red Nekoma jacket perfectly.

"I-I-I didn't think you would answer me y/n!"

"Pfft, what did you think? Did you think I would just ignore a question like that?" you asked him, as you squatted down on the floor and sat with him. Several people in the library looked at you two, but you didn't mind. This situation seemed to be more embarrassing for Kuroo anyway.

"W-Well, were you just messing with me then?" he asked, his dark eyes shifting from you to the floor and back to you again. You almost laughed out loud at his question, you weren't expecting him to be so shy about these things.

"No, of course not. Whenever you have time, I would love to go on a date with you Kuroo. I know you're probably busy with volleyball practice and stuff--"

"It's fine! I can change some plans, do you wanna go out tomorrow?"

"Ssh, some people are trying to study you know." an older man hissed in your direction. Kuroo waved his hand at him dismissively and said, "Can't you see we're busy dude?"

"But we're sorry though." you added.

The old man raised an eyebrow, but thankfully decided not to make a big deal out of the situation.

"Y/n let's blow this Popsicle joint!"

"Oh my god Kuroo, only eighty year olds use that saying."

"What can I say? I guess I'm an old soul."


The next day

The day that you and Kuroo had planned to go out was finally here! You both had decided to meet in front of Nekoma High, and then take a train to wherever you two wanted. The entire city of Tokyo was at yours and Kuroo's fingertips, which both excited and scared you.

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