Yamaguchi Tadashi x Reader: Passing Time

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I relate to him a lot (being shy and unsure of myself too) so this oneshot was pretty easy to write lol, but it is a tad short. Enjoy!

You had a tendency to get bored easily and when you got bored you counted the freckles on your boyfriend's face. There always seemed to be a new one on his beautiful face every time you looked, and now was the perfect opportunity to really count every single one.

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and Yamaguchi had fallen fast asleep on your bed while you read a book near your window on the other side of the bed. He was on his back, completely unmoving.

Volleyball practice had worn him out, and this was one of the only days he had to rest, so you understood why he had fallen asleep the moment his head hit your pillow. The warm sunlight illuminated your room and fell on Yamaguchi's face, his dark freckles contrasting beautifully with the light. 

You put your book down, observing his face for a moment before leaning closer to him, your bed creaking a bit as you did.

"One, two, three, four, five..." you began to count, hoping that your hushed voice wouldn't wake him up. Your fingers faintly traced his face, your lips parting as you became completely focused on counting his dark freckles. "So cute." you remarked.

Yamaguchi stirred in his sleep, his nose scrunching up before he relaxed again.

So cute!   

His loose shirt exposed his collarbone and your personal favorite freckles. They were scattered across his lower neck and shoulders, like particles of sand in the ocean. You pressed a light kiss on the side of his neck and pulled away. He needed to rest after all of the work he's been putting into his serving for the volleyball club.

"..Mmph...y/n...t-that felt nice." Yamaguchi whispered, turning over on his side so he rested his face on his elbow. His dark hazel eyes were still clouded over with drowsiness, but his smile and blush were as bright as ever. "What's going on?"

"I-I was just...looking a-and you just looked so cute...I just had to kiss--"

Yamaguchi chuckled at your stuttering, his messy hair falling over his eyes a bit as he lay his head back down on the pillow, now opting to lay on his stomach. "You're way cuter than me y/n. I'm just plain looking." he said sleepily, his eyes already closing.

"No you're not! You're so handsome!" You exclaimed loudly, making Yamaguchi's eyes shoot wide open in surprise.

"T-Thanks y/n." He whispered, his freckled cheeks erupting in a bright red blush. "How did I get someone like you in my life?"

You chuckled, planting a quick kiss on the side of his head. "Because you're amazing and I fell in love with you really quickly to be honest. It was the easiest thing I've ever done...falling in love with you." You said.

"I l-love you y/n."

"I love you too Yamaguchi. Now you should probably go back to sleep. I have a feeling coach Ukai's gonna really push you guys this week."

"Hmph, yeah you're right." Yamaguchi said, closing his eyes and relaxing again. His breathing soon became even as he went back to sleep and you picked up your book once again.

Another lazy Saturday afternoon spent very well.

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