Chapter 24

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A/N hi I don't know if it's just my iPad, but I think I have a big in my wattpad. Because when lever I post a new chapter and then look at it, there are weird spaces in my paragraphs. And I don't know how to get rid of them. So if u know. Please tell me. Thx bye.

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Two weeks later
Ryan's POV

"I'm in looove!" I tell myself while sitting on the toilet. I hope she feels the
same. I mean these last couple of weeks were amazing. All though I think Stacy
might have a thing for me.because every time she talks to me, she talks in a
soft voice. And she's always asking me about my past, and if I had a girlfriend.
But I like Lizzy. Yesterday Lizzy and I made pancakes. And at the very end we
made a huge pancake and split it together. Now is that true love or what?

Stacy's POV

I think me and Ryan are really hitting it off. I know a lot about him too. He had
a girlfriend, but he was about to break up with her. He likes pancakes. (I know
that because he made some yesterday.) he loves watching movies( I know that
because he was watching 'just another teenage movie' with Lizzy the other day.
He likes muffins because Ryan and Lizzy were fighting over the last muffin. He
is soooo cute.

Lizzy's POV

I think Ryan is a cool guy. We have a lot in common. I wish I could... You know
take it a step further with him, but I can tell Stacy has a thing for him. We can
just be kidnapped besties. I wouldn't wanna do that to Stacy. What kind of
friend would I be to take her crush.

We all sat down (including the fathers) at the dinner table eating the leftover
pancakes from yesterday. It's weird having pancakes for dinner. "So would we
call this meal brinner?" Ryan asks. "What?" Stacy asks. "Oh I get it. Breakfast/
dinner." I say nodding my head. "Oh" says Stacy. I guess she felt weird not
knowing what it meant.

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