Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me

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Gerard's POV:

It was weird to go back to school on Thursday. I was so used to staying at home all day that actually having to use those stupid uniforms and going to that hell of a place killed me a little.

But getting there was the biggest surprise of my life.

School was chaos.

Me, Mikey, Frank and Ray all walked together that day. And when we finally walked through the school's gates, what we saw was... Frighteningly pleasing.

Some people on the court saw us entering school and started clapping. People that normally walked through the shadows. There were no sign of Jocks or cheerleaders.

Through the corridors, people walked, ran, screamed, like they weren't at school. No rules. Could do what they wanted to do. I decided to take a better look at some of the outcasts that now looked like they ruled the school. Some had bruises, purple eyes, scratches, contusions. But they looked happy.

Some talked to us. Most didn't see us – too busy being loud – but the ones who did, slapped us in the back, congratulated us, thanked us. And none of us had no idea why.

When the four of us got to Frank's locker, someone immediately came running towards us.

"You're back!" she screamed, serious.

"Hey, Mandy!" said Frank.

"Come with me." She turned around and started walking away.

"Wait, why? Where?" I asked.

"Just come!" the girl screamed back, without turning around to face me. I exchanged a look with the boys, but they just shrugged and we followed Amanda.

She led us through the corridors. Seemed like the world was ending. Where were the teachers? We walked past the stairway. There was something that made us stop.

Hanging on the stairway, had a gigantic band written My Chemical Romance.

"Who... Who did... This..." Mikey asked Amanda.

"The people here were very inspired by you. Like, all the people the school never gave attention. They are very thankful to you."

"Wait. All this mess going on is because of us?" Ray asked.

Amanda hesitated.

"Come with me so I can tell you everything."

We started walking away. I just couldn't believe there was a literal band on the stairway with the name of our band. I never thought things would get this far.

Finally, we reached the math classroom.

"They're here." Amanda said as she opened the door. Mr. Franklin was set there, staring at us.

"Good. Come on, sit down. We need to talk."

We all grabbed a chair each and sat down.

"Can you finally tell us what the fuck is going on? Why is the school looking like a fucking battlefield?" Frank said.

"It's your fault." Mr. Franklin said.

"How?" asked Mikey.

"It started on Monday. Right after you left, after the song." Amanda started. "Seemed like the outcasts were inspired by your song. They wanted a change. And they did."

"But not in the way we thought." Mr. Franklin said. "They are acting like animals! They started fighting the athletes..."

"Which are now hiding in the gym." Amanda interrupted, kinda laughing."

"And are now acting as if they own the school! They go where they want, do what they want, and it seems like nobody can control them. The rest of the teachers gave up by yesterday. Principal Edwards is furious."

They only thing the four of us could do was smile.

We did it. We started a revolution.

"And now that you're back" the teacher continued. "We thought you were the only ones that could stop this."

"Wait, stop?" Mikey said, a bit mad.

"We won't stop it." Ray agreed, firmly.

"Guys, you wanted a revolution. You wanted the bullied to be noticed. You did it. But this is no revolution. This is chaos." Amanda augmented, worried.

"Mandy, I thought you were on our side." Frank said, sad.

"I am! But, Frank, this is out of control!"

Frank got up.

"If control means the Jocks and other can step on us and nobody do anything about it, then we don't want no control." And left the classroom.

I got up and followed him. So did Ray and Mikey.

The four of us met outside.

"C'mon" I said, to a mad Frank and confused Mikey and Ray. "Let's enjoy our revolution."

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