The World Is Ugly, But You Are Beautiful To Me

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Frank's POV:

Three weeks passed. Really. Slowly. But the day of the Winter Ball finally came.

We had rehearsed a bunch of covers and original songs – the ones we thought were more "clean" – and I felt confident enough to play them. I was so excited.

In the beginning of the night, I left my house and walked to Gerard's. We were all going together. When I got there, his mom answered the door.

"Hello, Frankie!" she said with a smile.

"Hi, Mrs. Way."

"Come in!"

I entered the house and saw Ray sitting in the couch. I sat next to him. We talked for a while and finally, the Ways showed up.

"You girls take too long to get ready." I said. They laughed.

"Shut up." Said Gerard. "C'mon, let's go."

"Leaving already?" Mrs. Way showed up from the kitchen. "Don't worry, I'll take you!"

Gerard widened his eyes.

"No, mom, it's not necessary..."

"What? Of course it is! I'll take you!"

"Mom, school is very close, we can walk..."

"It's the first time my babies are playing in public! There's no way I'll let you walk and get all sweaty. C'mon, get in the car right now, I'll get my keys."

She left to get the keys. Gerard and Mikey were bright red. Ray and I laughed really hard. I walked towards them and put my hands on their shoulders.

"C'mon, babies. I don't wanna be late."

"Bye, bye, dears! Tell me all about it later! Have fun! But be safe! Goodbye!" Mrs. Way screamed from the car, parked in front of the school. Gerard and Mikey were trying really hard to run away.

"Bye, Mrs. Way! Thanks for the ride!" I screamed back, just to embarrass them even more. "We'll tell you, don't worry!"

Gerard grabbed me and dragged me to the school door.

Once there, we walked to the gymnasium, where the ball was happening. The corridor was decorated with white stripes, lights and paper snowflakes. There were some people walking through the corridors and some couples making out but mostly, it was empty.

Then, we finally got to the gymnasium. There were lots of people wearing dresses and fancy clothes, the same decoration of the corridors, but much more present and abundant, some tables, a large one full of food, music playing, people dancing and a stage.

The stage.

It was smaller then the one in the auditorium, but still big. All the instruments were there, waiting for us.

Suddenly, I looked around and realized I was alone. I started walking, looking for my friends, when I heard someone calling me.


I turned around and saw her.

She was wearing a long light blue dress and had some curls on her short blond hair.

"Amanda!" I walked towards her. "Wow! You look beautiful!"

She blushed and turned her head.

"Thanks. You look good, too."

I smiled.

"I guess I never asked you." I said. "Who did you come with? Did that guy invite you?"

She sighed.

"No, he didn't. I came with Leo." She pointed to a brown-haired guy a bit far away.

"Cool!" I smiled again.

"And you? I thought you weren't coming. Who'd you bring?" she asked.

"Oh, no one. I'm here to play, not for the ball itself."

She widened her eyes.

"Play? With the band?"

I nodded.

"Frank, are you crazy? What about the Jocks?"

I forgot I had told her about the threat. I just didn't say we decided to play anyway.

I shrugged.

"We don't care. Nothing's gonna stop us from playing tonight."

Amanda smirked, but then got serious again.

"Okay. I'm rooting for you. Just be careful."

I smiled and nodded. I was about to talk again, when I received a message.

Where are you?

It was Gerard. He then sent me another one.

Come to the backstage.

"Sorry, gotta go." I told Amanda. She nodded and smiled.

"Good luck."

I said goodbye and walked towards the backstage. 

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