Look Alive, Sunshine

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Gerard's POV:

When Friday came, we were anxious and pumped to put our plan into action.

The four of us manage to leave the class right before lunch. According to Mikey's calculations, we had about 30 minutes to make it work.

"Right" my brother said when we met in front of the stairs. "Everybody knows your part of the plan?" we nod. "Great. It's time, now. We all meet here in 30 minutes. Good luck."

And then we all ran in different directions.

My job was to follow the principal, to make sure he wouldn't come back to his office. He had the custom to walk around the school every Friday, a bit close to lunch time, to check how everything was going.

He was already out when we started our plan. Now, I had to find him and follow him. He could be anywhere in the school.

"Think, Gerard, think" I started talking to myself. "Where can he be?"

He had probably left his room about an hour ago. Must have walked through the entire east area and be headed to west. That's where I went.

It took me about 10 minutes to finally find him. As thought, he was heading to the west area. After that, he would probably return to his office.

I had to avoid that.

For 10 more minutes, I followed him, hiding behind lockers and watching from far away. Sometimes, he would look back, like he had the feeling he was being followed. But I think he didn't see me.

Suddenly, we were at the corridor where his office was located. He was almost there... I couldn't let him in.

I took a deep breath and ran towards him.

"Principal Edwards! May I speak to you?" I said. He stopped walking and turned around to face me.

"Yes, Mr. Way?"

It was only then that I realized I had no idea of what to say.

Uh oh.

I swallowed hard.

"Hmm... I..."

"Mr. Way, if you have nothing to say, I must return to my office."

He started walking again. I looked through the window of the secretary and saw that Ray was still there, holding a guitar. We exchanged a frightened look. I had to do something.

"Wait!" I screamed. He turned back to face me again. He seemed... Impatient. "I... I'm not... Feeling well..."

"What do you mean?"

"I... I don't know..." I glanced at the window. Ray gave me a look that meant he needed more time. "I'm feeling... Dizzy..."

"You could have just went to the nursery already."

"Yeah, I know..." I was being caught on my own lies. "But I was walking and then I saw you... I thought I could... I don't know..."

"Go to the nursery, Mr. Way."

He was about to leave on more time. I realized that I needed to take a drastic measure.

"Principal Edwards, I..." and then I fell.

"Mr. Way!" he screamed. I pretended I couldn't hear him.

I was literally lying on the school floor, pretending that I had passed out. This plan better work out.

"Mr. Way, please, get up. Come, I'll take you to the nursery." He said.

I couldn't believe it had worked.

I acted as best as I could to pretend I was just waking up from a faint. I leaned on him and we started to walk to the nursery.

When we got there, the principal told me to sit in one of the beds and wait. He was going to talk to a nurse and ask her for some medicine for me.

I looked at my watch. I had three minutes to go back to the stairs and meet with the guys. I had to leave immediately.

Once the principal left me alone, I got up and sneaked out of the nursery. I glanced at the other room, just to make sure. He was there, talking to the nurse.

I walked away, slowly and silently. But, once I was far enough, I started running like crazy.

The bell rang. People were coming out of their classrooms.

I counted to 10. Silence... Silence... And then...

The music started.

I'm Not Okay was playing on the speakers.

The plan worked.

People on the corridor were looking up, trying to understand what was that song and why it was playing.

But, honestly, I was so happy that all I could do was sing the song while running towards the stairway.


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