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"How long did you wait to tell melo ?" She asks me .

"I told him 2 weeks later. " I tell her .

"Wow , like I'm still shocked on how you kept her out of the media , Wasn't it hard , because you still were America's princess , So , I know Pap followed you like every where , So how'd you do it ?" She asks me .

"Honestly it was hard at first but at the same time , I wasn't making music when I gave birth to her and I had deleted all of my social medias , So no one knew where I was at or where I was gonna be ." I tell her .

"Gotcha , So has melo always been In her life ?" She asks me .

"Yeah , Lamelo has been in her life the same day she came out of me , I may not be with him , but I thought it was selfish to keep her away from him ." I explain .

"How was he after you gave birth to Melody ?" She asks me .

"Melo was a whole different person , I mean he still is when he gets melody , He's happy and gentle , I believe melody makes him wanna be better ." I explain .

"Do you think you and melo will ever get back together ? " she asks me .

"Honestly No , We're better separated and for the sake of our child we will stay like that , because I don't want melody growing up and looking at us as we argue and get into fights , I think us being separated is a good thing and of course I'll always love lamelo but People thought we were picture perfect but they found out in a bad way that we weren't and I really just don't want melody to witness anything like that ." I explain .

"What's your message to the girls put there getting mentally and physically abused ?" She asks me .

"Tell someone , Cause if you don't there's no telling what will happen , no one deserves , to be abused mentally or physically , don't punish yourself by trying to save the love of your life , it's never okay ." I say .

"Did you ever think you and melo would be getting back together at some point ?" She asks me .

"If I'm honest I did , melo is the love of my life , He was my first for everything , I haven't been with anyone since melo , but like I said i wouldn't put melody in that position , specially at the age she's at now , I wouldn't do that to her , because if she sees daddy hitting mommy or mommy hitting daddy she's gonna think as she's growing up , it's okay for boys to hit me and it's not , but to answer your question , yes I did think melo and I were gonna be together again , but I realized I can't do that to melody or myself again ." I explain .

"Well thank you so much for sharing your story with us Olivia ." She says and gets up and hugs me .

"No thank you for letting me ." I smile and as they stop filming , Essence and I walk out to the car , A picture perfect relationship is something people thought melo and I had a long time ago , but I realized that I had to do things that were right for me and ending melo's and i's picture perfect relationship was key to my success  .

The End !

||Thank you for all the love towards this book , I appreciate it so much

Until next timd , Zoe ||

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