Chapter 48

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I went outside to the garden, Jamie and Ace were following me. I took a seat on a bench and Jamie climbed up next to me and laid her head on my leg. I sat there enjoying the sun. Enjoying this little bit of freedom I had. I closed my eyes and took in all the fresh air. I opened my eyes and saw Bruce walking twoards me.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" He asked.

"I am, but I had to come outside." I Said as he sat next to me. "It's been months since I've been outside." I Said as he sat Jamie in his lap.

"Well Gotham isn't exactly the ideal spot to get some fresh air," he said.

"It's better than Belle Reve." I said.

"They had to give us Vitamin D tablets since we aren't allowed to go outside. Out of all them, I'm probably taking the most vitamins a day." I said.

"You aren't counting the anti psychotics?" Bruce asked.

"I'm not taking anti psychotics." I said. Bruce smiled.

"You know Selina's my cell mate." I said.

"Really? I thought she was staying clear of crime." He said.

"Dinah brought her in last week. Personally escorted her to my cell." I said. Bruce nodded.

"I hate it there, I have the skill set to get out. But I can't do it with this baby." I Said as I rubbed my stomach.

"If you escaped we'd have to take you back." Bruce said.

"I don't wanna go back. But I know I have too." I Said as tears started rolling down my face.

"It's been so long since I've not worn my mask and people call me by my real name. The name, Maria sounds so foreign to me. I hate it Bruce, I hate it so much." I started bawling.

Bruce rubbed circles on my back. "I'm scare that all this hate is going to build up in me. The guards they still shock me. I was shocked in the shower." I sobbed.

Bruce stood up angrily. "Why would they do that?" He demanded.

"They did it because I was singing in the shower." I said. Bruce put Jamie down and rubbed his face with frustration.

"I passed out and they left me laying on the floor of the shower. It wasn't till they sent a guard to see if I was still alive." I said. Bruce looked furious.

"Don't tell Dick. He'd loose it." I begged. "I can't rope you all in on my problems."

"Maria you are pregnant, them treating you like that is not expectable. Dick and I will speak to Waller about this." He said.

"I can fight my own battles." I said. "

I know, but now it's not just your life at risk." Bruce said then walked away.
I got up, "what does that mean?" I yelled at him.

He just kept walking and I felt light headed and the next thing I knew I was on the ground.

"Momma!" Jamie screamed.

Bruce pov
I heard Jamie screaming, I turned back and Maria was on the ground. I ran back to her and picked her up.

"Alfred!" I yelled as I carried Maria to the nearest room.

I laid her on the couch and Alfred and Dick came in.

"What happened?" Dick asked as he rushed to his wife.

"We we're having a civil conversation and she misunderstood me and took offense. She yelled at me as I walked away and she fainted." I said.

Dick and I zetaed to Belle Reve after we knew Maria was being taken care of.

"Freeze!" Guards yelled as we walked in.

"Let them through," Waller radioed.

We went to her office,

"what is the meaning of this visit?" She asked.

"It has come to our attention that the guards have been mistreating Ma-Zodiac." Dick Said.

"Yes I am aware. But we have strict rules and if you break them you get shocked. The only reason she was sent to you was that our Midwife has been pestering me to allow her have some time outside the prison where her stress levels will be lowered." Waller said.

"Before she joined the suicide squad, her stress levels were normal. I know because she wasn't on edge like she is now." Dick stood up.

"Why are you treating her like that?" He yelled.

"Nightwing, sit," I commanded.

"Would you like to see on average of how many we shock daily?" Waller asked.

"Yes," I said. She showed me the stats and Maria was mainly the one getting shocked.

"Why her? are you trying to kill her child?" I asked.

"Some may say we are, others may say we are just trying to discipline her." Waller said, Dick stood up again.

"You're trying to make her go insane." Dick Said.

"I can't tolerate this behavior, for Zodiac or any other villain in this prision. Dial it back or we will be back." I said. I stood and we left before Waller said anything.

Dick pov
I went into my bedroom and Maria was sitting up in bed reading.

"Hey it's good to see you up." I said.

"Where did you go?" She asked.

"Oh Bruce and I just had to go talk to someone about something." I Said as I sat next to her.

"You went and spoke with Waller," Maria said as she laid her head against me.

"So getting punished for singing in the shower, that's new." I said.

"I wasn't even singing loudly. I didn't even get past the first line before they shocked me." Maria said.

"Could you give me a private concert?" I asked.

"Maybe," Maria said.

"Please?" I asked.

"Maybe tomorrow." She yawned.

The next thing I knew she was asleep on my arm. I didn't move, I just went to sleep myself.

The next morning after breakfast Maria sang the song for me. It was a sad song and it described, for the most part, what she'd been going through.

A/n: Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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