Chapter 36

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I rested my head on Dick's chest. "So are you excited for tomorrow night?" Dick asked.

"I am, I've got to try on my suit to make sure it still fits." I Said.

"Oh I'm sure it'll fit." He Said.

"Let's hope so, because if it doesn't. I've got to adjust it." I Said.

"I'm sure it will," He said as he played with my hair.

"I love you, Dick Grayson." I said.

"I love you too, Maria Grayson. And don't you ever forget that." He Said as he kissed my forehead.

"No matter what battle we fight, I will Be by your side." I Said.

"And I Will Be by your side." Dick Said. Jamie started crying so I groaned and got up to get her.


Dick and I stood in the Batcave as Zodiac and Nightwing with Jamie.

"So she should have enough formula for the night. She should wake up four or five times during the night for feedings. I highly suggest you change her before her feedings." I said.

"And if you need anything else just let us-"

"we have Alfred, he can probably help me, so you two don't have to be distracted." Tim said as he held Jamie.

"Alright." I said.

"Let's go, Maria." Dick said as he grabbed my wrist.

"Can we take the bike?" I asked.

"Yes, not a scratch." Bruce said as he sat at the BatComputer.

"Alright let's go." Dick said.

Dick got on the bike and I got on behind him.

"Helmets!" Bruce yelled.

We put our helmets on and headed out to the streets of Gotham.

Dick and I sat on the same ledge of a cathedral.

"You seem on edge. And no pun intended." Dick said.

"It's just in worried about Jamie." I said.

"Hey remember we took the night off from being parents." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"I know you're just as worried about her as I am." I said.

"You're right, now come on the silent alarm at the Gotham Bank just went off lets go tackle that. Let's see how rusty your magic is." Dick said.

We dove off the ledge and I cast the spell to make sure our landing was safe. We hoped on the bike and rode to the bank.

"I go in through the front you go through the back and you attack." Dick said.

"Okay." I said. I ran around back and was hit in the head.

Dick pov
I ran in and saw a few amateur bank robbers. This was going to be easy.

"Hey Zodiac keep the back door covered so no one escapes." I whispered into the radio. All I got was static.

I took the five thieves out quickly and smoothly. And I had them tied up by the time the cops arrived.

I ran out the back door and saw Maria's earpiece on the ground. I picked it up, "Maria." I had a feeling we had been set up.

I spent the rest of the night and most of the day looking for Maria. Yet nothing.

Zodiac (Nightwing x OC) book #1Where stories live. Discover now