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Letting you all know I'm still sick so its hard a little bit. By the way check out me Truth or Dare book 2 not one I'm done with that it wasn't going like I was expecting, so all you reader plz give me some truths and dares.💖
Just Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos in this one.

"Not bad." Jay said. "But painful." "I feel sorry for him.... I mean look at his condition." Evie said. "He looks like he was in pain." Mal said in a sad tone. "That's was a lot of thing he got." Jay said. "Yep it was painful." Carlos said.

"I bet it was.... Imagine if it happened in real life." Jay said smirking. "I wonder." Carlos and Jay said at the same time and Mal and Evie were also thinking.

A/N - How was it first thing that came to my mind, don't blame me.


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