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I give kudos to all women. We are the joy and pride of the world. We make things happen and without us, the world is a confused place. Most of us do not truly believe in this theory and those of us that have the belief do not really know the magnitude of it. And for those that know how big a deal it is, they don’t really know what to make of it.

The overall myth is that we were created as helpers because without us the men of the world have no idea what to make of themselves. We were importantly created to give support, advice and be a rock when our men need it. We were made with a lesser number of bones because we were supposed to be fragile and flexible when the necessity for it arrives. The uniqueness of our creation was so important that the sanity of everything else that was created before then, depended on that which had to be removed from the second to the last creation, Adam.  We were the last of all creations, because we are the ones that would make this big picture become clearer. We have a lot to make a different meaning to the term, helper.

Many of us live day to day just for the sake of living. We let the world pass us by and we get pulled into the craziness of what this life has made of us. We are left with the thought that who we are is not really who we are and what we mean to others is just a fantasy in our heads. We get stuck in it for so long a time till it dies with us or leave us as a shadow to others, or a fly on the wall that has no impact.

If we want to take a keen look at the issue of serenity, warmth, peace or calmness and a stress-free way of living, we as women are lost as to why we can’t seem to be identified with these things and it seems to be a problem for us. This issue bugs us greatly. Waking up every day has become a problem for most of us. We often ask ourselves, "why do we even bother?”.

The demons in our life, the negative vibes that keep us down threaten day and night. The sad part of it is that we give in to it out of ignorance of how strong we truly are in our faith in the Almighty. We were made strong; we are created to be a standing block for our partners. Without us they have no feet to stand on. They shake and whither without us to give our level of understanding on issues. We need to know how to puff out our chests and pat ourselves on the back.

We are taking a new step towards a discovery to the place where we have never seen ourselves going before now. We are re-evaluating who we are, and even what our chances are. We are more than the society makes us out to be. We are not just the child-bearing, kitchen-cleaning, house-making subordinates; we are great.

A woman knows what she wants only when it is convenient for her. Most are lead by the feelings of their hearts and forget what their heads and souls are telling them.

The way forward when it comes to incorporating love, life and faith is to separate each and reach a conclusion that all will come to terms with making each woman live a fulfilled life. The woman is the one that sees to the upliftment of her partner and without God to help her make the right decisions; she will end up bringing others down with her. The family always relies on the mother for the fulfillment of a happy and reliable home. 

When a home is not facing the right direction then the woman should be asked the right questions that would border on security, faith, finances and health.

This said, the woman has to walk hand in hand to make a good home. A home devoid of God’s love and teachings is like a soup without salt; tasteless. 

We have what it takes to make this world grow better than it presently is. It has nothing to do with the issue of femininity. It is the belief in what our strengths are and doing what it takes to make us reach our fullest potentials without the help of anyone but ourselves. We will see the strength we can get from making that mistake we so dread and the truth in our thinking.

We need to open our eyes wider and our mind broader.

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