Chapter 7

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The Scientist- Coldplay

3 Months, it's been 3 months since I last saw him. Since I last even spoke to him and it's driving me crazy. I'm back in New York and nothing has changed. I never really got to say good bye to anyone but Colby. I didn't go to the party.

I mean I did see Brennen last because he volunteered to drive us to the airport but it doesn't count because I still text him. But I don't text Colby. Mike and Emily keep telling me I should and I know I should but I just can't bring myself to do it. I wish I could've just changed what happened between me and Colby that day but I can't.

Mike and Emily are back to their daily lives with their jobs and I'm back to my stay at home daily shit.

I don't work anymore, got fired when I went missing. How nice. So I'm looking for employment instead, on my bed.

It's still crazy how all of that happened, how my parents aren't with me anymore. I have this one picture of them from when they were younger and it hangs in my room so every morning I look at it and get reminded of the great people that they were.

I sometimes break down thinking about everything and Mike and Emily don't know what to do, usually Colby could calm me down.

Well back to reality, watching The Walking Dead and eating pizza as I wait for my roommates to get back which should be anytime now, it is 6:43 pm.


Speaking of them and they text me, cool.

E: Yo A!

A: What?

E: I ordered something online and it should be coming today any time now so if they ring open, okay?

A: Okay.

Always leaving it to lazy me. Frick I need to change. Currently not wearing something appropriate enough. I don't really think opening the door in underwear is much of a deal but it's a stranger and I have to act normal.

*Ding Dong*

Right on cue.

"Coming!" I yell making sure they can hear me as I have trouble slipping into a hoodie.

"Okay." I say to myself as I finish and start to open the door.

"Hey." Colby says.

"C-colby what are you doing here?!" I ask as I admire Colby from a far.

"I- I wanted to see you again, ever since the hotel I haven't been able to stop thinking about you." He says and my heart starts beating fast. I've felt the same.

"Oh." Is all I was able to get out. No no no no no. I promised myself I wouldn't go back to him after everything. I mean I want to, but I can't. I don't want to get hurt again.

"I'm sorry I just can't do this. Please leave." I say slowly pushing the door closed but he stops it.

"No no. I'm not letting you go that easily anymore. It was a mistake the first time." He says now entering the apartment and closing the door behind him.

"Colby what are you doing?!" I say as I move back and he moves closer.

"Something i should've done before." He says and then he kisses me. It felt like everything that I thought was once missing is now back. It felt right.

"Colby." I manage to say in between kisses.

"I-I have a." I try.

"Boyfriend." Then he stops.

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