Chapter 2

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Skinny Love- Birdy

Ryan's Point Of View

I didn't want to do it but I knew that if I didn't Mason would hurt me and would probably hurt her too and do it "the hard way." She's now asleep and laying on me, Anthony, and Andrew. Her head is to me but the rest of her body is spread out throughout Andrew and Anthony.

"I really don't think we should be doing this." I say to the guys. Anthony wasn't really drunk at all he was just acting and I feel bad since she was nice enough to help.

"That's not your call, Ryan. Get over it, it's already done." Anthony says and I honestly don't know why these guys are such assholes. She probably has a family who is worried sick right now and she looks so young. I mean me and the guys are still teens going into our 20s. I'm 19, Anthony is 18, Mathew is 19, Mason is 20, and Andrew is 17.

"That shouldn't be your call either." I say while moving her hair from her face. All of the sudden the car stops and Mason turns to me quickly.

"Listen here, we already took the damn vote and you were the only one who didn't want to do this, so either you shut the fuck up and continue with us or get the hell out right now!" He says very aggressively, I got so scared that I started to nod.

"That's what I thought." He finishes as he turns back around and starts to drive again. I hate that he's in charge just cause he's the oldest, that shouldn't matter. All the guys stay quiet because they're afraid of him, I mean I'm not gonna lie because I also fear him sometimes but I still speak my mind. At least I know that Andrew didn't want to do this either.

Amber's Point Of View

I wake up in a room with only two lights which barely work. I don't really remember much only that I had been in the gas station and some guys needed help or something. I try to get up but get dizzy. What the hell happened to me?

All I can see is two doors. I go to one closets to me and try opening it, it opens. I walk inside and look for a light switch and when I found it quickly turned it on. It was a bathroom. I then step back out and start walking towards the other door.

I start to hear rambling outside and quickly move beside the door. I wiggle the doorknob around to see if it's unlocked and to my luck, it's locked. It's locked from the outside.

I quickly grab one of the lamps and move again beside the door so if anyone comes in I can wack them in the head. As I wait the door suddenly starts to open. I get ready to swing. It's Mason.

"Where are you?" He says lowly and slowly steps in and closes the door behind him. I tighten my grip on the lamp and get ready to swing. I swing but he quickly moves out the way so it didn't hit him.

"Wanna try that again?" He says as he pins my hands on the wall and gets real close. He chuckles as I get scared of him. I close my eyes and move my head away from him. He then throws me onto the bed and pins me down.

"Don't try anything stupid again, we don't wanna accidentally damage that pretty face of yours." He says while brushing away a tear from my cheeks. I didn't even realize I was crying until he wiped away my tear. I didn't know what else to do but to just start crying my eyes out, so I did. All of my emotions just left my body and I'm glad it did because he left afterwards.

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