Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Boyfriends/Girlfriends everywhere.

"LINA, IF YOU DO NOT GET UP NOW I WILL TAKE A BUCKET OF ICE WATER AND POUR IT ON YOU" I hear someone yell from the other side of the door. Hehe, good thing I lock my door at night I think to myself as I snuggle closer to my pillow. I still hear the person screaming at me so I put in my ear buds and press play. Someone like you by Adele came on and I turned it up as I close my eyes. The next thing I knew ice cold water hit my face. I quickly sat up and yelled "you asshole". I hear a laugh and instantly knew it was Alex. I turn towards him and shoot him daggers, he just smirks at me.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I questioned him

"I teleported" he says nonchalantly

"Oh har, har I locked that door last night" I said as I glanced towards my door. My jaw dropped when I saw what he did. " Omifuckinggod you broke down my door! You better have nothing to do tomorrow because you are replacing that door you jerk" I spat at him.

"Fine, it was worth it to see your face. Don't forget that we are having a party tonight in celebration of the two new wolves we will get today" he says as he walks out my now broken door. I went in my drawers and got out some jean shorts, a gray form fitting tank top, and a red plaid shirt. I took a fast shower and got dressed quickly. I grab my flip flops as I headed downstairs for breakfast. When I get to the kitchen Miss Maggie(the maid) is making some food. I sniff and caught the scent of bacon and eggs. Mmmmm bacon.

"Good morning Miss Maggie" I tell her as I sit down at the island. She turns to me and smile. Her midnight black hair was up into a ponytail, and her dark brown eyes trained on what I was wearing.

"Don't be nervous for today, you will do great bringing in the wolves and here is your food." she tells me as she sets the plate in front of me. Only she could tell that I had butterflies in my stomach by only saying three words to her.

"Thanks" I say as I take a bite. Alexander then comes in and grabs my arm and pulls me out the door.

"I was not done eating" I complain as I got into his black Ferrari.

"Maybe you should eat less piggy. Oink" he tells as he starts the quick drive to our school. I flipped him off and just laughed.

~~~~~~~~~~At school

"Ugh, don't we have that stupid nature field trip today" I say as Alex pulls me towards the buses. As we walk over there I notice all the girls staring at him. Figures, Alex gets stared at no matter where he is.

"Yeah but today is the day we tell Luke and Natilee that we are wolves too." Luke and Natilee are the wolves that we are trying to get to join out pack.

"Lina" I hear my name called. I look over and see a dark-haired boy with baby blue eyes. His hair shaped his face very nicely. He was wearing dark jeans, a white wifebeater, with a leather jacket and some white shoes. He comes up to me and smashes his lips on mine. Oh yeah, Luke is my boyfriend. I look over Luke's shoulder and see that Alex went to talk to Natilee. I grab Luke's hand and lead him on to the bus. We go straight to the back.

"How was your weekend, babe" Luke whispers in my ear. It sent shivers down my back.

"Umm... it was boring, as usual." I say with a small smile. I lay my head down on his shoulder and wait for the bus to start on its way.

'Its going to be alright Lina. He is going to forgive you' I hear Alex in my mind.

'I don't know. He has to realized that i didn't lead him on just so he could join the pack' I tell him sadly. We were talking about Luke. I really was in love with him and i don't want him to think that I was just pretending in order to for him to join the pack.

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