The Desicision of The Sentence

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Author’s note:

Thanks guys, I finally have triple digit reads! This book has 102 reads, 8 votes and 7 comments! I am so happy right now since this was my first book!!!!



 Chapter Seven


Paydens POV:

My eyes feel glued shut, so I slowly pull them apart. I look around and try to stand, but my muscles and bones shout in protest. I growl and yell mentally at them, ‘Suck it up, wimps!’ I stood and slowly shock myself, loosening the tight hold pain had on me.

I notice I was tied to the wall and growled. The door was flung open and Jason came over, unhooking my lead and pushing me forward. I quickly stretched, not having the heavy chain lead on was great, but if I could get this collar off, it would be way better.

“Come on mutt, my dad is having a meeting.” Jason hisses. I roll my eyes thinking ‘I don’t need to be there-‘ “You need to be there more than I do!” says a very angry Jason. I listen and walk out of his room thinking, ‘Can he read minds?’ but luckily, he didn’t answer me so I was in the clear.

We enter a long winding hallway that was extremely narrow. Jason wouldn’t let me follow, probably thinking I’d try to run, and he is right. This place doesn’t feel right to me.

We come to the end of the hallway and there is a door, with a window. A man’s face appears and I jump back, running into the brick wall of Jason. He shoots me a glare before saying, “My father wanted this wolf to be at the meeting.” The man turns, shutting the window. I hear murmurs but I can’t make out the words before the door opens and Jason kicks me. I walk forward into the room full of vampires.

My senses are screaming at me to turn tail and run out of this room like my tail was on fire. I hear someone clear their throat and I realize Jason was glaring at me; he was sitting down and motioning for me to come over by his side. I did, and he put pressure on my back. I laid down at the nonverbal command he gave me.

I looked around, noticing Queen Audrey, King Leo, Prince Dawson, and three other male vampires who I didn’t know.

A vampire with bright red hair spoke first, “Why is that mutt here?! I thought these meetings were private for only head vampires! No slaves aloud!”

“Calm yourself Victor.” Spoke the King, “She is the reason I called the meeting. We can use her as a weapon.”

“A weapon? Against whom?” asked a older vampire with black hair, a tint of gray in his hair.

“The Reacon Pack!” shouted King Leo, slamming his fist down on the table as he stood up. His face showed triumph and success. “The alpha male has marked her as his! This is his mate!” Audrey, Victor, and the two vampires yet to be named cowered back into their seats, hissing words like, “Mutt!” and “Traitor!” at me. I thought, “If I was a real traitor I wouldn’t have Colton as a mate!”

“Hush now, high council.” Said the King, “Albert.” He spoke to the man standing at the door, “Take her to the protected room. Post six guards outside the only door. Give her one set of clothes so she can shift at will.” Jason handed Albert the control for my collar.

I was soon walking down the narrow hall again, but Albert was leading. He led me down it till it started to widen up a little. He stopped at a door and pushed me in. He turned and left, slamming the door in my face as I tried to escape.

I paced around the pen, observing my surroundings. There was a single bed, a small tv, a dresser that, when I looked in, was empty. I looked around, noticing a drawer in the wall, I tried to grab it with my teeth but it wouldn’t budge.

I heard a sizzle over by the dresser and when I looked in, there was a dress, socks, shoes, and other girly stuff. That’s when I noticed a door. I walked over to it, it was slightly ajar so I nudged it and walked in. There was a bathtub with curtains, so I could shower. There was also a sink and a toilet. Above the sink was a mirror that was a cabinet door. I assume there is a hairbrush, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

I walk back out of the bathroom and see the drawer I was trying to open from earlier. It was open so I padded over there, curiosity taking the best of me. I see a large rabbit sitting there. I grab it and walk away hearing a bang I spin, shaking my head when the drawer closed.

I ate the rest of my rabbit then went and grabbed clothes out of the dresser. I went to the bathroom and changed. I took a shower than got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom. I had a feeling someone was watching me so I looked around, noticing a camera in the corner of the room.

I sigh, “Can I get a book to read? I don’t want to rot my brain by watching TV.” Then I heard a click and there was a huge stack of books in the drawer where my rabbit was earlier. I walked over and picked them up.

I walk over to the dresser and lay the books out across the top. I pick the one I want to read. I sigh and walk over to the bed, propping myself up I begin the first chapter.

Will My Life Get Any Better? *COMPLETE* (Book one of Life series)Where stories live. Discover now