Chapter 36

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The next day Harry and I bid Neville, Hermione, and Ron goodbye as they went off for their test. Hermione was bound to pass but I wasn't sure about Ron and Neville. I haven't talked to Neville much at all, but apparation as a safe topic, so we had spoken about it at lengths to avoid talking about anything in depth.

Harry and I made our way to the dungeons for Potions class. AS Hermione had predicted Harry, Draco, Ernie and I were the only ones in the class.

"My what a small class of youngsters I have today," Slughorn started off class with, "I suppose we can have some fun today then right? WHy don't you brew up whatever you'd like in this time period? I can come around to help you if you need it, though I expect you won't need it eh Harry?"

Slughorn's preference for harry was starting to wear on me, and while I loved Harry, I was a tad annoyed that he had to try and outshine me in my best class. With a small scowl on my face I gathered the ingredients for the most difficult potion I thought I could brew in the two hours we had today.

Just as the time was ending I stirred in a piece of peppermint to my Fainting Potion to counteract the effects of the lavender spring I had added in the beginning. Making sure no one as looking I also quickly spit into the potion to make it even more powerful than before. I sat back in my chair and looked over at Harry's potion that looked to be a Euphoria Potion.

"Ah very good Jessica. I am once more astonished by how much you've learned from your father over the years. I suppose that's what is bound to happen if you grow up with a POtions master."

Stoneface I told him, "i didn't grow up with Professor Snape actually. It's kind of you though."

The comment took him off guard for just a moment before he turned to Harry's potion and and said, "Ah what an excellent Euphoria POtion you've produced Potter! Surely your mother would've been so very proud of you."

After telling Draco and Ernie that their potions were just fine Slughorn dismissed class and scurried out of the room before Harry had an opportunity to talk to him. What he needed to go do so quickly after class was beyond me, but I knew Harry would have to talk to him some other time, and if I had anything to do with it, tonight.

I was in the girl's bathroom in between classes when a loud pop sound to my left as I was washing my hands, "Dobby! You scared me half to death. What are you doing here?"

"Dobby has just come to inform Master Potter's friend Ms. Wallwirt that he has seen her father doing something most odd. He ran out of his class very quickly at the end of last period and up to the Headmaster's office. It seems as though he is gone now."

"Did you hear where he's going?" I asked.

Dobby shook his head no and hit his head against the faucet, "No, Dobby could not tell where he was going. Dobby has failed you."

I put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him from hurting himself further, "It's fine Dobby. I'm going to ask Dumbledore where he went. You did very well Dobby, thank you."

He bowed low and replied, "OF course. Dobby is always happy to help."

With this I marched off to the Headmaster's office thoughts whirling through my mind. There was no way Severus would be called away to a meeting and go this time of day. And there was no way he'd go without me, right

I barged through the door to the Headmaster's office and asked, "Where is my father?'

"How do you know he's left my dear? He's only just left," DUmbledore did seem honestly surprised that I knew Severus had left the school, and seems a little disturbed that I was asking questions.

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