Chapter 32

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March came, and with it came more disappearances appearing in the newspaper headlines. There were new people going missing nearly everyday it seemed. It seemed like every day a student was taken out of class by their Head of House to be told that one of their loved ones had been taken from them by Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

Hogsmeade was also cancelled, much to Ron's annoyance. It was going to be on his birthday, and we had all planned to take him out for his first drink at the Three Broomsticks to celebrate. Harry and I were still not allowed to drink until the summer, not that I paid any heed to this in my private. The cancellation made sense though, Katie still hasn't returned from Mungo's and the teachers were on edge about sending kids back to the historic town anytime soon.

"Oh it'll be okay Ron," Hermione soothed once we heard the news at breakfast, "We can ask the House elves in the kitchen to bring us a dinner here and we can go eat it in the Room of Requirement. We can make the room all fancy, and open your gifts then and everything. It'll be fun I promise."

He clasped her hand and kissed it softly, "I'm sure it'll be the best birthday I've had yet."

She blushed crimson and lay her head on his shoulder as we ate breakfast. I smiled at the two of them. Harry and Ginny quickly matched their position. I was sitting next to Neville and talking with my friends but I still felt so alone. I had tried to limit how much flirting I was doing with Neville, especially after kissing Blake. Everyone was too engrossed in everything happening to have any time to comment on this, and Neville hadn't brought it up either, but gone along with it passively.

After playing games all day, and celebrating Hermione took me by the arm and Ginny by the arm and told the boys, "Harry, bring Ron to the Room of Requirement in an hour, Jessica and I are going to go get set up. I'll see you later alright?" she kissed Ron on the cheek and the two of us disappeared out of the portal.

The three of us walked won the hall to the spot where we knew the Room of Requirement would appear. It did appear, and we walked through the door. Inside was exactly what we needed at the moment. There was a singular circular round table in the center of the room. It had silver plates and silverware already on it. There was quiet music playing in the background and dim lights lit the room from the ceiling.

"Dobby!" Hermione called causing our favorite house elf to appear.

"Dobby is getting everything ready for you Miss. Mister Weasley is sure to have a good birthday with his favorite meal!"

"Thank you Dobby," Hermione gushed, "We are going to set up his gifts in here too so he can open them now."'

She pulled out a small pouch and began to pull wrapped gifts from it, "I had Neville go up and get them all, Harry even told him where he put Ron's gift, so we have that one too," she explained.

We hung some birthday signs around the room and Hermione fussed with the table settings nearly as much as her hair.

Harry walked in with Ron and Neville and looked around the room with a soft smile on his face. He went over to his girlfriend and kissed her softly.

"Break it up you two," Ginny said pretending to gag.

We all sat down and the House elves, led by Dobby brought us our food, then after we were done, our dessert. After we were done eating, Ron opened all his gifts. He got some chocolates, new Keeper gloves from Harry, a watch from his parents, a notebook in a very Hermione fashion, I had gotten him a new quill set, Neville and Ginny had each gotten him candy.

It was late when we each retired to our dormitories. I couldn't fall asleep, even with the three potions I took to try to aid me.

I suppose this was for the best considering I got a stag patronus around two hours after we had left each other, "Jessica, come to Professor Slughorn's office. Something has happened to Ron, and I don't know what to do, so I'm taking him there and just hoping he has a potion."

It was nearly 11 at night. I hoped that Slughorn would still be in his office at this time at night. I knew that Severus would know what to do if Slughorn didn't, so I sent my patronus to him too, asking him to go to Slughorn's office.

I shook Hermione awake, "We have to get to Slughorn's office, Harry said something was up with Ron."

Without waiting for her I dashed down to the dungeons to Slughorn's office in case I could help I needed to be there as soon as possible.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

Severus appeared behind me in thirty seconds time and asked the same thing, "Ron started acting really weird, and well see for yourself."

I looked past Harry to where Ron was sitting on the couch, "Do you reckon she loves me too?"

"I don't know about love but she certainly cares about you a lot," I said hesitantly.

"Well I love her," Ron said proudly.

Hermione walked in just as Ron was saying that and stopped dead in her track, "He said love didn't he? Oh Ron, I'm so glad you're alright, I love you too," she said stepping forward to hug him,

Ron dodged her hug and said, "Why would I ever love you?"

Hermione looked stunned, "What do you mean?"

"Why would I want you when I could have Romlida? She's lovely isn't she? All that perfect black hair, and those lips, I could kiss those lips all day. I don't suppose you could introduce me to her Hermione?"

Hermione looked around the room for help, "The boy seems to be under a love potion," Severus said bemused.

"I think he got it from these chocolats she gave me at Christmas," Harry explained, "I think Neville grabbed it when he gave Hermione the presents for Ron's birthday."

"No worries my boy," Slughorn said cheerfully, "I've got a remedy right here," he walked over to Ron and held it out to him as he looked at it wearily, "Drink this, it'll help with your nerves for when your girl gets here."

Ron took the potion from him merrily now and downed it. Slowly I could see the effects wear off and the dazed look on Ron's face was replaced with one of horror.

He stood up and crossed the room to where Hermione was standing, "Oh Hermione I'm so sorry, I don't want anyone but you. I would never say I love anyone else, when I have the most amazing girl already."

"I should've known," Hermione said trying to keep the emotion from her voice, "I should've realized you wouldn't have said it so early, I'm sorry, I just-"

Ron cut her off, "Hermione Granger I love you, and I will always love you. You never need to apologize for saying how you feel because I certainly won't."

She looked up at him and asked quietly, "Are you sure you are't just saying it because I did?"

Ron shook his head, "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. You're all I want 'Mione."

Slughorn was looking on at the two of them with a small smile on his face, "Ah young love, it is certainly something to celebrate. I think we all could use something to drink to calm the nerves. I have here a good mead, that I had been intending to give as a gift, but I think now would be appropriate."

Severus whispered to me, "Goodnight," and tried to slip out the door.

"Oh Severus, do join us. I regret that I haven't been able to talk to you since I've gotten here. You were one of the best students I ever had. It seems as though your daughter has acquired that brilliant mind of yours."

"I suppose a few minutes would be fine," Severus consented.

Slughorn passed around drinks and we all started to chat. Severus and I were talking to Slughorn when Ron shouted.

I turned back and saw Hermione had fallen into his arms. He lay her on the ground and began to panic even more.

"What do I do?" Ron shouted.

Slughorn looked paralyzed. Severus and I ran to the potions cabinet and he found what we were looking for first. Severus threw the bezoar to Ron who quickly stuffed it in Hermione's mouth.

"Oh please be okay," Ron muttered cupping her face in his hand.

Hermione gasped for air then became still again. Ron felt for her pulse and i could see the relief in his face meaning he had found one.

"She's going to be alright Mr. Weasley," my father told him, "We need to get her up to the Hospital Wing to rest however."

The Potions Master's Daughter (Book Five)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara