Chapter 11

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The next week was the last week of summer break. We spent it enjoying ourselves, but we also had to talk about Draco and his mysterious chat with Mr. Borgin. Something was happening, but I wasn't sure what it was about. Once I was back with Severus, there was a chance he knew what was happening.

We were sitting on the grass when Harry said, "You guys know how Draco was acting extra weird?" we all nodded, "I think he might be a Death Eater now."

Hermione looked at him quizzically, "Why would you think that? He acts sketchy all the time."

Blake and I exchanged a look. There was no good way this was going to go. We both were going to have to act like we didn't know anything that was happening.

"It makes sense. That's why he had some authority over Borgin in the shop, he must know somehow. Voldemort's still mad at the Malfoy family, and is around Draco all the time. I must be right."

We still weren't all convinced. He looked resolute, and very positive of himself, so the rest of us just let him believe what he wanted. I was secretly glad that Hermione and Ron didn't believe Harry, I didn't want more focus on Draco than already was.

We took the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts a short time later. Hermione and Ron had to go sit with the prefects in their trolley, but the rest of us decided to sit together. Everywhere we went people were staring at Harry, and whispers followed us into the car we decided to sit in. Neville and Luna soon joined us, and we spent time catching up, and attempting (in vain) to ignore the whispers that followed us as we went.

A short while into the ride a young girl, probably a second year knocked on our compartment holding three letters in her hand. I motioned her in, and she turned scarlet as she entered.

"I have letters for Neville Longbottom, and Harry Potter, and Jessica Snape."

I groaned but stood up and took the three letters. She looked at Harry as if she wanted to say something but left quickly.

"What is it?" Ron demanded.

I opened mine and read it aloud, "Jessica. I would be delighted if you would join me for a bite of lunch in compartment C. Sincerely, Professor Horace Slughorn. I'm assuming your say the same thing?"

Neville and Harry nodded then Neville asked, "Who is this Professor Slughorn anyways?"

"New Potions teacher," I said shortly, "Any idea what he might want?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know. This is probably for that Slug Club thing Dumbledore warned me about, where he tries to collect people."

"Why'd you guys get the invites?" Ron questioned sounding thoroughly jealous.

"No idea," replied Neville with an air of truthfulness about him, "I get him wanting to get to know Harry and Jessica, but me, i don't get that one."

"He knew your parents, he taught them," Harry told him quietly, "I bet he remembers how great they were."

We talked for a bit longer before the three of us decided to make our way to Compartment C to meet with Slughorn. When we got there, it became obvious that we weren't going to be the only people at this lunch. However, it seemed like Harry was the most anticipated guest.

Slughorn walked up to him with open arms and greeted, "Harry, m'boy, great to see you again. And your friends must be Mr. Longbottom and Ms. Snape?"

I replied, "Wallwirt actually sir, though that could be a last name of mine."

He took this comment in stride, "Of course, welcome Ms. Wallwirt. I'm not shocked that you are the star potions student at Hogwarts, I look forward to teaching you. Hope you're a little nicer than your father though, he was quite the student though."

I smiled at him just a bit, "Look forward to your class sir."

As we sat down to lunch and Slughorn began asking people questions it became obvious that people were invited because of their connections, or connections he thought they might have in the future. Ginny Weasley was also there, and I was confused as to why she was here. She would have no better connections than Ron, and he wasn't invited. I was also confused about why I was invited. There was little chance of him knowing about any connections I had with the Ministry, so I assumed it was only because Severus was a teacher here.

As he droned on and on, I wished I could leave, and the expression on Harry's face said the same thing. It would be impolite to just leave so we waited until it dwindled down, and the sun had set before Slughorn bade us all goodbye, promising to see us soon.

Once we were outside I went over to Ginny and asked, "Why were you invited here Ginny? Ron wasn't."

She laughed as though remembering a memory, "He saw me Hex Zacharias Smith in the hallway. I thought he was going to give me detention, but he just told me I had spunk and invited me to come to lunch with him."

I smirked, "That's amazing. Well I'm glad you'll be there with us."

We went back to our own car, and filled Ron in on what had happened. He still seemed annoyed that he wasn't invited, but we tried our best to assure him that he wasn't missing out on anything.

Blaise Zabini passed by our cart, apparently he just got his robes on.

Harry jumped up and grabbed his invisibility cloak before dashing out the sliding door yelling, "I'll see you guys later, I have an idea."

Where he was going I had no clue, but I did know that he still wasn't back by the time it was time to get off the Hogwarts Express. I was growing worried, but I picked up his trunk for him, and carried it off the train. Perhaps he got caught up talking to loads of people that wanted to talk to the boy-who-lived. At some point while we were getting off the train I could've sworn I saw a familiar metamorphmegas board the train, but she was gone so quickly, I couldn't be sure.

We took a carriage up without Harry and finally Hermione voiced all of our concern, "Where could he be? We have his things even."

I looked down at the brown trunk I had at my feet next to my own. I shrugged in response to her question, but I had my own worries associated with Harry right now. I hoped desperately that he wasn't doing anything stupid.

We were about to walk into the Great Hall when my father rushed past us, but then he turned and said, "Wallwirt, a word."

I followed him just a little off to the side of the hallway and leaned in, "What's wrong?"

"Nymphadora Tonks just sent up her patronus and said she has Harry with her. Apparently he was knocked out on the train by Draco. I figure he'll tell you more when he gets here, but I thought you and your friends might be worried, so I figured I should tell you."

I nodded, "Thanks for telling me. I wasn't sure where he was either."

"I'm going to get him and bring him in."

I looked sideways at him, "Be nice to him."

He merely smirked, "Of course Jessica."

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