Chapter 28

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The next morning was Christmas Day. I went downstairs a bit later than normal, and breakfast was already sitting on the table. Severus was reading the Daily Prophet, and sipping a cup of tea.

"Happy Christmas," I greeted with a smile.

He smiled back warmly, "Good morning love. Do you want to do presents now? I know you want to head to the Burrow later, what time were you thinking?"

I shrugged, "They said I could come whenever I wanted, so whenever you want I can head over."

"You can go whenever you'd like, you know we normally have a very quiet Christmas."

"Yeah, but I like hanging out with you. I want to do presents though!"

He smirked at me but got up and went into the living room with me where there were a few presents under the tree.

"Go on," he told me once I picked up a wrapped box with my name written on it in Severus's curly handwriting.

I carefully tore off the wrapping paper and gently eased the box open. Inside the box was a new black cloak, since my old one was starting to get a bit worn. This one even had some satin detailing along the sides. I opened the other, smaller box with my name on it, and pulled out a necklace with a ruby pendant on it-my birthstone.

"I figured your bracelet was starting to get too many charms on it, so I got you a necklace that you could put more on," he explained.

I smiled down at the necklace in my hand then up at him, "Thank you, it's gorgeous. Okay, now you have to open yours."

He first opened the smaller gift. He smirked down at the pink tie he held up. I laughed. I had never seen him wear a single article of pink clothing I had gotten him, but I knew it was still in his closet, I had seen it all in there once. One day I was going to get him to wear it all at once.

I settled on having him just wear the tie today, "I'll help you put it on," I teased.

He scowled at me, but allowed me to fasten the tie around his neck and give him a kiss on the cheek.

He opened his real present now, I had decided to get something similar to the gift I had gotten Blake. This time I had put pictures of me and Severus on a mug to give to him. It was a gift that he could actually use all the time, and have pictures of me at all time.

"Thank you Jessica, it's lovely, very unique," he complimented.

"Glad you like it Dad. Now you can always have it with you, aren't I just adorable?"

He chuckled, "Very. Now, where did you get some of these pictures? I don't recall taking many of these."

I shrugged, "I 'have my ways. I sometimes ad Blake snap secretive pictures of us when you wouldn't notice."

He was studying the mug, "This one's probably my favorite."

I leaned in to see what picture he was looking at. It was a picture of the two of us huddled over a cauldron, brewing something. We were both deep in concentration. The picture moved also, and showed the two of us working in perfect synchronization throwing in ingredients and stirring. It was taken a few years ago, I think third year, when we had few things to worry about, and we both looked a great deal happier.

I smiled at the memory, I hadn't even known Blake had taken this picture until this year when I asked him if he would help me with my idea. He had pulled this picture out of his school things and told me he liked to look at it when we were fighting, because he knew he had a real family.

"Yeah," I said softly, "I like that one too."

Later that evening around four I decided to head over to the Burrow. I appeared outside their front door with a loud pop! then knocked on the door.

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