Chapter 5

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The next morning I got a letter from Blake. He was asking me if he could come stay with us again. He had already run it past his parents and they were okay with it, now they just wanted to make sure Severus was okay with it.

"Hey Dad," I said walking into the kitchen, "Could Blake come back with us?"

He looked up from his newspaper, "Sure he can, for the rest of summer?"

I shrugged, "I dunno, probably."

Later that afternoon, while Severus and I were reading on the couch there came a knock at the door.

I looked over inquisitively at Severus who wore the same expression of confusion on his face and said, "I wasn't expecting anyone, I wonder who that could be?"

He got up and opened the door, "Narcissa," he greeted, confusion evident in his voice, "What are you doing here," his voice changed to one of disgust, "And Bellatrix."

"Snape," she replied curtly then walked past him into the house, "Jessica," she said to me with a small nod.

I stood up and put our books on the table then gestured to the couch, "Please have a seat. I'll make us a pot of tea."

Narcissa took a seat on the couch but Bellatrix stood standing and started to pick up objects on the mantle, like the only picture Severus and I have together. I shook my head, and walked into the kitchen to start making tea.

"Now Bella, don't touch what isn't yours," I heard Severus say from within the other room.

I came back out with tea a few seconds later nursing a few cups of boiling water in my hands and gave them to each person in the room. I sat down on the couch next to Narcissa, as Severus and Bellatrix each took one of the armchairs.

"Now, what can I do for both of you?"

"Are we alone?" Narcissa asked looking around.

I exchanged a glance with Severus who replied, "Yes, of course. Why?"

"I know I ought not to have come, I was ordered to not say anything to anyone but i needed to tell you that-"

She was cut off, "What you ought to do, is to hold your tongue," snarled Bellatrix., "Especially given the company."

"And what am I to take away from that?" asked Severus.

"You should take that I don't trust you, or your daughter Snape. I've met Marlene, I quite like her, so maybe the girl had potential if she goes back, but you, you pose too many questions. Where were you when the Dark Lord fell? How were you able to convince Dumbledore of your loyalties? And your daughter, she seems like it would be easy to corrupt her,with her hanging around those Gryffindors all the time. How do we all not know that she is fooling us all about her true loyalties?"

"Let me ask you a question then Lestrange? Do you think that if i hadn't been able to answer such things to the Dark Lord that I would be alive right now? And do you think my daughter would be given so much power within his ranks if he didn't trust her completely?"

"I know what he thinks, I just think-"

"So you're trying to suggest to me that you think you know more than the Dark Lord? That me and a teenage girl have been able to fool on the the greatest wizards,and Legilimens the world has ever seen?"

Bellatrix looked uncomfortable, and held her tongue. Narcissa looked thoroughly embarrassed, and I began to wonder why she had apparated here at all, let alone with Bellatrix. She could've just flooed over. If she did that Lucius would be able to tell what she was doing, so I suspected this was something she didn't want him to know about.

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