Chapter 14

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Hey guys sorry, I had to take some time off to focus more on school, and particularly college applications. I'm back now. I just kinda feel like I want to finish something before I go away to college, and I've been working on this for so many years now, it truly feels like it's part of me now. Anyways I've gotten back into writing this, and I'll start working on this more, and posting probably once a week.

I proceeded up to the common room and was last there. Hermione, Ron, Harry and Neville were already sitting on the couch. My heart jumped a tiny bit when I saw Neville, and I cursed myself for feeling like this.

I went and sat with them, "So it wasn't really you doing it then?" I heard Hermione accused.

"I mean I followed the instructions he had written!" Harry defended.

I interjected, "What's happening?"

Hermione replied huffily, "The book that Slughorn gave Harry has tons of writing in it, from someone who is very adept at Potions. He followed the instructions that the guy gave him instead of the ones in the book, and that's how he was able to brew such a good potion. Isn't that totally messed up?"

I hesitated to reply, so I was fine when Harry replied, "I have to be on his good side. It's important to Dumbledore. If this helps me do it, then so be it. I guess we have the Half-Blood Prince to thank for Slughorn's admiration."

"Whatever. Jessica is still as good as you, even without some book with writing from some secret Potions Master."

I didn't want to be brought into the middle of their fight so I said, "Portions is something I'm good at yes. It seems as though this person and I merely think the same way and can use that to our advantage. I think that if it's important enough to Dumbledore to ask Harry to become close to Slughorn, then he should do whatever he has to to get there."

Hermione didn't look happy, but she nodded. There were more importantly things going on in life right now, than being best in our Potions class, and she seemed to realize it.

With this dispute settled we started homework and discussing our first days before it was time to go to dinner. After dinner Harry left us for his first private lesson with Dumbledore. I was jealous for one brief moment that Harry was getting private lessons from Dumbledore when I wasn't. I began to hope that Voldemort would call me out to Malfoy Manor soon to learn more with him. With a shudder I tried to repress this longing, but wasn't satisfied because I could do nothing to get rid of it completely.

A week went by and it turned out I would get part of my way. Severus told me during my Alchemy lesson that Dumbledore wanted me to go with Harry to his lesson that evening. I was curious about Harry's lessons. Harry had told us that he and Dumbledore had merely spoken at the last one, that he didn't learn anything.

That evening Harry and I walked together to Dumbledore's office, "Acid Pops," I said to the gargoyle.

"Ah Mr. Potter, Ms. Wallwirt, punctual as ever, do come in," greeted the old wizard.

"Good evening sir," I replied with a smile, "I do wonder what you want with both of us tonight."

He laughed, "Always right to the point you are. I believe that what I want to show both of you can help both of you in different ways."

"Does this have more to do with the prophecy?" questioned Harry, "You had said you were going to tell me everything you know."

"This has everything to do with that that. I have already told you everything that I myself know. Today we are going to journey into the memories of another man, Bob Ogden, to see what either of you can pull from his experience."

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