Microtale of trial round 1(Part 2)(closed)

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so guys here's the microtales by the participants. i know i've been late to publish this and i'm sorry for that. these are your first ever microtales. some are on words that participants chose by themselves, some tales are about the word they chose and some are more than 30 words but as its your first attempt at writing microtales will put it here. but remember from next time the tales have to be under 30 words and must be written using one of the given words only. 

but the best part is the variety. emotional, scary, self love, and the list goes on and on....

So here we go....


I was always alone. They never seemed to notice me. One morning i didn't wake up and suddenly the world fell in love with me. Do you miss me now?

#alone by StarcyNewman


From getting over Ex and finding next, she lost herself

#lost by pegasus_390


As adulthood hits, childhood became best memories

#memories by pegasus_390


"Yes, I am petty.

Why? Because Its my last defence against a cruel universe."

#yes by QueenOfGeeks


"what's wrong with him" crowd murmured

"he tried it again?" someone asked

fake smile, hands inside sleeves.

Little did they knew, little did those scars said --story of confused mind.

#scars by _poetlife 


She loved talking to him

Not because he always listened

Not cause he never argued nor raised a question

Not did cause he was in love nor cause he never cried

Not cause he hold her every secret and never tried hurting her

But because she was mad and he was dead

by _poetlife


In love, mad and funny

They used to go to graveyard and read eulogy together just to make fun on death...

They made it seems like a joke....

They are still in love and funny...

Ironically enough time made joke of it's own and they still read eulogy together...

But this time it's daughter and her father...

by _poetlife

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