Microtales of Round 3

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sorry for being late; hers are the microtales of round 3:


"I murdered him!" Zack wailed, his hands shaking. "I don't want to die in prison, please help me!"


"It was an accident," he cried.

"Zack! It's a video game..."

#funny #murder by makiedah


"The meal was really great Amanda, what did you put in it?"

"It's my secret recipe," she smiled as she poured the last of her parent's blood down the drain.

#dark #recipe by makiedah


"I don't want to drink that."

"Do it, or else," she gave me a look.

I gulped it all down resisting the urge to throw up.

#dark #bully by freeimagination274


"I love you," I said to my teddy as I hugged it falling to sleep

Now that same toy was somewhere in the attic.

#forgotten #childhood toys by freeimagination274


She was perfect.

Everyone was attracted to her.

But beneath her long sleeves were proofs of not-so-perfect person.

Even if we don't flaunt them we all have scars.

#Never-Perfect-Enough #HiddenScars by DrWordsmith


He stood at the altar.

'You look beautiful' he whispered to me. I smiled.

'You may kiss your bride' the priest announced.

He leaned in and whispered "Finally", kissing me.

#Finally! #WeddingKiss by DrWordsmith


He killed the bride

Saying she isn't pretty

The five year old believed no Barbie is as beautiful as his mother

by Butterfling


They thought that they have lost everything, but as they laid on the grass, the sun burning their faces, hearing each other's breathes, they knew that they have it all.

#grass by MyNameJeff_11


"You are dead,"he said.

"Aren't we all,"she answered.

And only at this moment he understood life, it's nothing.

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