Here's how it goes

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We will give you 4 simple words and 3 days time to write a tale on one of the words. It can be funny, romantic, emotional, satire, on a social issue, taboo, anything. But it has to be different, unique, something that touches heart or connects. It can be under 20 words or 10 even but it has to be nice. These no lower limit to words but maximum is 30. Your tale would automatically be out of the contest if it exceeds 30 words. There will be 3-4 rounds with different words and no elimination. You'll be scored out of 30. 10 from my side, 10 from @FarceurEm and 10 based on the our readers.
Try this as an example. You are given words like:

Memories, yes, alone, fling, tan, blue, lost, fault.

You have to choose one word and write a tale, you'll be given 4 words for the contest but for starters there are 8 eight here. You have 2 days for this which makes 18th jan'18 your submission date as this is for making you familiar to the concept and how it works. Try it out once. Write a tale and share it with me through msg or comments, which ever you are comfortable.
On 19th I'll be posting my microtale and some nice microtales on words other than these so you can get to know what all can be done with just 30 words. They can or cannot be written by me. If someone else has written them credits will be mentioned. Ignoring my typos and grammatical mistakes. Pls give it a try.


Lastly don't forget to vote, share and participate.

Yours, T

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MicroTale Contest  #wpcontestWhere stories live. Discover now