Winners of round 1

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Here are the names of participants who won the first round, its based on the scores from 3 judges:

1st: makiedah

1st runner-up : MyNameJeff_11

2nd runner-up : (Its a tie ) HerNerdyAntics and pegasus_390

Nice tales from:

 DrWordsmith ,






a shout out for nabila_12 and Bluelighting3 for their wonderful microtales, the only thing was that the tales did not follow the theme but the work was worth appreciating. 

and i'm thinking about giving HauntingAngel a propasal of being the judge for the next season of the contest because of her constructive feedback to the fellow participants. and i'm not joking about this nor i'm pulling for leg for spamming my notifications and giving more comments than views  on 1st round of microtale contest. 

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