Round 3 (close)

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The theme of this round is DARK OR COMEDY  . You have to write a tale on something thats dark and/or something funny. simple right?

the twist is, you have to submit 2 microtales. one microtale will follow the theme and the second microtale will have a main word that's nowhere close to dark or comical and you have to write your microtale on that.

okay, lets try it one more time.

1st microtale : theme is dark (serious, grave , etc) or comedy (funny, humorous, sarcastic, etc)

2nd microtale: if you write on theme dark the the main word would be those words which are quite contrary to dark and disturbing; like child/children/childhood, love, parents , home, etc. and if you write on theme comedy then the main words would be life death, murder, assault, rape, suicide, kidnap, etc.

its not like you you have to write on the given words only; they are just the random words that i used to explain you the theme. you can or rather will use words of your choice.

the last date for submission is 20th march.

feel free to message me or comment down below for any doubt or query.



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