Microtales of Trail round 3

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Hi everyone!!!!!! here are the microtales of trail round three. but before that i would like to discuss:

1. the contest will windup by march end

2. the contest has 5-6 rounds, each based on a theme which means that you'll be given words according to theme. you'll be given words latest by saturday night and you'll have 3 days to submit your microtales and the on wednesday the chapter with microtales of the participants will be out. (better follow IST(Indian Standard Time))

3. the winner and runner ups will get a permanent follow and shout out from my account and the other judge. you get bragging rights and ,if interested, a offer to be the judge of the next season of microtale contest that maybe in 2019 or later in 2018, so yah the contest will have a next season also   ***cheers*** 

4.  i wanted to give badges but i could not get in touch with any graphic designer here on wattpad but if you are in contact of one that might be interested to make covers and badges for the contest please have a word with them and give a final reply.

5. the participants are free to have there own book of their own, with all the microtales they have submitted after the contest gets over and judges will make sure to leave vote and/or constructive comments in those books. 

6. the votes and comments on your microtale will also count so make sure that your friends and followers on wattpad do vote and comment on your microtales. participants can also comment on other participant's microtale but it has to be constructive criticism or comment. 


ok... so here are the microtales:


They had been in a mall.

Their eyes met for a moment.

They didn't know, in future they would fall in love.

But right now, they were searching for discounts.

#love by DrWordsmith


I've a diary where I write phone numbers of friends before moving.

Each year I bring it to write some more.

I promise that I will call.

I never do.

by DrWordsmith


As heartbroken as i am because of you, and even though the pain you're putting me through, i still can't get away from you, i have to kill you first.

by MyNameJeff_11


"Die", they all screamed at him, and he was in pain, so die was what he did.

by MyNameJeff_11


They thought they could kill me, they thought it was this easy, what they don't know is, death is my best friend.

by MyNameJeff_11


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