Chapter Ten:

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It was morning by the time Bonnie and I arrived back at the witch house. As I walked up the path to the entrance of the house, I saw John standing in front of the entrance and then he collapsed to the ground.

        "No. John!" I ran up to him and knelt down to see if he was okay but it was too late and he was gone. "Oh god no! John. Dad! Dad please, not you too."

Damon came to my side. "Eliana? Elli he's gone." he took my hand and pulled me up.

        As he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, I couldn't help the tears as they kept falling. "I have lost everyone of them now. How did this happen?"

   "It was the spell." Jeremy said as he came out of the house. "The spell took his life in exchange for Elena's. I just found that out, but he knew it all along that it would happen." he went back in the house to join the others.

         "We need to give him and Jenna a proper burial, Damon." I said as he wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Okay. I'll go set it up. Why don't you guys go back to your house and be ready in half an hour."

        "Okay. Thank you, Damon." He gave me a soft kiss on the lips and then he was gone.


          As we got dressed and waited for Damon to return, I went to Aunt Jenna's room. I stood in front of the door contemplating whether or not that I should go in. I turned the knob and went in. Suddenly memories filled my mind of Jenna, of my parents, and of John. I was never able to meet Isobel because she killed herself before I came back home, but I hoped that she was a good person. I glanced around the room and noticed Jenna's leopard print fur blanket was slung across the rocking chair in the corner. I grabbed it up holding it to my chest as the tears started to fall again. It still smelled like her.

* 3rd Person POV *

          As Damon arrived at the Gilbert house he met up with Stefan.

  "We all set?" Stefan asked Damon.

"Yeah. Plenty of room in the Gilbert family plot, and I compelled two of the grave diggers to do the dirty work. How they doing?"

  "They lost the only parents they had. Their in shock."

                        Upstairs in Elena's room.

      "I'm almost ready."

    "Take your time." Jeremy told her.

      "Jeremy... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that you've lost so many people." Elena apologized.

"I still have you and Elli. Speaking of Elli, have you seen her?"

      "Isn't she in her room?"

    "No. I went there first to check on her and she wasn't there." Jeremy explained.

Damon walked in "Ready?"

      "Yeah." said Elena.

    "Have you seen Elli, I can't find her?" While Jeremy asked Damon, Damon heard sobbing and smirked.

"Yeah, I'll be right back." As he left Jeremy and Elena followed. As they appeared in front of Jenna's bedroom, Damon opened the door to find Eliana there in the rocking chair holding a blanket and crying.

He rushed to her side and she said "Damon, I don't think that I can do this. I fell so heartbroken right now."

"Your emotions are heightened right now that's all. Give it some time and take some deep breathes. Are you ready to go?"

        As she took a couple of deep breathes she answered "Yeah I think so." She looked up at Elena and Jeremy "How's Ric holding up? He must be taking Jenna's death hard."

    Jeremy was the first to answer "He is, but I think he's doing okay. He's just hurt, that he couldn't do anything to stop it." Jeremy paused and then said "John wanted me to give you this," he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a letter. "And this." Then he handed her John's ring.

"We'll give you a minute, okay." Damon told her and they all went downstairs.

* Eliana's POV *

          As they left the room and headed downstairs I opened the envelope. I started reading the letter:

         'Eliana... It's no easy task being an ordinary parent to extraordinary children. I failed in that task and because of my prejudices, I failed you and Elena. I'm haunted by how things might have played out differently if I'd been more willing to hear your side of things. For me it's the end. For you and Elena, a chance to grow old and someday do better with your own child than I did with mine. It's for that child that I give you my ring. I don't ask for your forgiveness or for you to forget. I ask only that you believe this. Whether you are now reading this as a human or as a vampire, I love you all the same. As I've always loved you, and always will.


          By the time I was finished there were tear stains on the letter. I put it back in the envelope and put it in my pants pocket. I got up and went toward the door but before I left I turned around to look at, the now empty space that Jenna once filled, room and then walked out. I shut the door behind me and headed downstairs where everyone was waiting for me, including Tyler, Caroline, Bonnie, and Matt. I looked at all of them lucky to have them in my life.

Matt walked over to me and gave me a hug before saying "I'm sorry about Jenna and John. I'm here if you need someone to talk too."

"Me too." Caroline and Tyler said simultaneously.

  "Me as well." Bonnie agreed with them.

        "Thank you all so much. This really means a lot to me." I stated.

"Well we better get going." Damon stated.


          As Elena, Jer, and I lay red rose's on Aunt Jenna and John's grave, I walked over to my parents grave and place two rose's on their grave. I look up to find Stefan, Damon, and Elena having a conversation about something not far from where I was standing. So I concentrated, like Damon showed me, on their conversation.

    "What are you taking about?" Elena asked.

"Last night Tyler Lockwood bit me as we were saving him and Caroline." Damon said angrily.

    "Is there a cure?"

"No Elena there's no cure." Damon snapped at her.

  "There is no cure that we know of. A werewolf bite is fatal to vampires." Stefan explained to her.

    "So what happened to Rose is what will happen to you?" Elena asked nervously.

"Yes and you can't tell Eliana about this." Damon begged.

"It's a little to late for that. She overheard us." Stefan told him. Damon looked over where Eliana last stood but she was gone.

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