Chapter Thirty Four

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Last time on The Vampire Diaries:

"Yes, who else would they be for besides I already ate. I put the bed upstairs but we're gonna have to share.

"That's fine as long as you don't hog the covers. Oh my god I hope you don't sleep naked."

Stefan laughed at my remark of him sleeping in the nude, but I didn't think that it wasn't funny at all. "No I don't sleep naked what would make you think that, unless you were thinking of me being nude in bed with you?" he asked.

"No! I would never, well... okay maybe once but that was a while ago and I haven't thought of it since then."

"Uh huh. I'm sure."

"What like you've never thought of me naked before?"

"Well... maybe for a split second but that's it. Oh by the way what were you doing in the basement?" Stefan asked out of curiosity.

"Oh I was putting up a protection spell just in case we get any unwelcome guests." I explained to him.

"Safety first I guess. Well I think I'm gonna head on up to bed are you coming?" He asked as he nodded his head towards the staircase.

"Yeah I'm starting to feel tired myself." We made our way upstairs.

I walked to one side of the bed and Stefan went to the other, I started to undress down to just my t-shirt. I looked over at Stefan to see him in his briefs and I quickly looked away before Stefan noticed me looking in his direction. I climbed in bed next to him and I tried to get comfortable. When I accidentally rubbed my legs against Stefan's, and I felt a spark of electricity go through me. A spark that I recall so well because I had a spark similar to the one I had with Damon. Damon... I don't know why I still think of him especially after all that he has done. But he was the first man that I gave all of my heart to, and I still have some feelings for him but that is in the past.

I felt hot all over the skin-on-skin contact and somewhere deep inside I always wondered what it was like to be with both brothers, I mean if Katherine and Elena can do it why can't I. I looked over at Stefan to see him looking at me with a look in his eyes that I couldn't explain. He reached over grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. Well I guess I'll know what it feels like to have both brothers now.

~ Present Day ~

As we were making out all I could think about was Damon. The way he would suckle on my breasts and that thing he would do with his tongue that would drive me wild. But everything Stefan was doing to me was not enough to get Damon out of my mind and I think Stefan was starting to notice that something was wrong.

He stopped kissing my neck and looked up at me with a confused look in his eyes. "Is everything ok Eliana?" I tried to explain to him what was wrong. Yeah, I can't get Damon out of my head.

"Everything is fine but..." I flipped us around with vamp speed so I was on top of him and continued. "But I like to be in control." He smirked and we got back at it again but this time he flipped us back over and started to leave a trail of kisses from my neck to my burning hot core. As soon as he inserted his tongue into my core my back arched and I couldn't help the moans that left my mouth.

Stefan started doing that thing that Damon does and I began to moan louder.

~Other POV~

What Stefan and Eliana didn't know was that Damon and Elena had just entered the house, when Eliana began to moan louder as Stefan ate her out. Damon, being the curious person he is, decided to find out what was going on so he quietly vamp sped up the stairs until he appeared at the room that Stefan and Eliana were in. He stood at the door watching in pain as Eliana arched her back in a orgasm while Stefan had his face deep in her core. Heartbroken Damon sped out of there and back down to Elena dragging her out of the house not speaking a word to her.

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