Chapter Twenty:

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~ Elena ~

I awake in some bed and I'm confused as to where I am, because the last thing I remember is seeing Stefan running towards me to drink my blood. I also remember seeing Elli's neck being snapped by Klaus but then everything went black. A woman walked into the room and I don't know why she's here.

"Where am I?" I asked the woman, still confused and drowsy.

"In the hospital... sweetie. You suffered through a terrible ordeal." She tells me and I know that if I stay then Klaus will soon find me again.

"I have to get the hell out of here, now." I say angrily while trying to get up, but the nurse pushes me back down on the bed.

"Ah. Not an option. You've lost a lot of blood." She said as she pointed at the blood bag next to me on the bed.

But their not giving me blood... "Wait... you're taking my blood?" But why would they take my blood? Unless...

"Of course. It's very important for your friend Klaus." She said and then she stuck a needle into my IV and I knew exactly what it was for.

I gasped and yelled "No." I tried to fight her off but I was too weak to do anything.

"Don't fight it, sweetie. He told me you needed plenty of rest." She laid me back down on the bed and then I was out.


~ Eliana ~

As I walked into the 'Mystic Falls Medical Center' parking lot, I saw Klaus throw Damon into the hood of a car. I couldn't let Klaus hurt Damon, so I ran up close to them and yelled "STOP!" As I yelled the parking lot lights near them started to flicker and then they shattered. Klaus looked stunned as he moved away from Damon.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Klaus asked looking confused as hell.

"Oh that. That was me!" I said smirking at a dazzling Damon whom looked shocked.

"How could you have done that, you're just a bloody doppelganger?" Klaus asked puzzled.

"Yes I am a doppelganger, but I also have witch blood running through my veins as well. You see I had a few friends who were witches in England, and they told me that I had a rare gift. Can you guess what it was?" I asked them.

"Magic." Damon choked out in a whisper.

"Sort of. I am the descendent of a witch, so yes I have the capability to cast spells and the use of magic, but... it only happens every so often in our bloodline. It skips a generation and through siblings."

"So you're telling me that you're a witch?" Klaus asked still confused.

"No I'm not a witch, at least not anymore, but I fooled you though." I said laughing and they still looked confused. "After becoming what I am now my magic slowly faded away, and sometimes I wish that I still had my magic, but for tonight I did have some help. Come on out Bonnie." I called for Bonnie to come out of her hiding spot. "Bonnie is the one who did the whole light-shattering thing, and I just yelled. Bonnie go check on Elena and if Klaus tries to stop you, just do your witchy thing to bring him to his knees." I paused for a moment while she left and Klaus didn't move an inch. "What's this about Mikael, who is he?" I asked.

Klaus grew nervous and suddenly he threw Damon into a car then he said "I'm sorry, luv, but that's a conversation for another time." As he came towards me and snapped my neck. Again.


~ Matt ~

I watched as Damon picked up Elli, after Klaus snapped her neck, and ran off. Probably taking her to the Salvatore Boarding house. Bonnie called me down to help her get Elena out of the hospital, I'm assuming that it had something to do with Klaus. I walked in the room and Bonnie already had Elena's IV unattached. I walk over to the other side of Elena and looked at the mess that Klaus had left her in.

"Stefan..." she says but I think she might be hallucinating.

"Hey Elena." I picked her up and said to Bonnie "Come on let's get her home." And we left.


~Damon ~

As I pushed the door open to the house and kicked it shut I ran upstairs with Elli in my arms. I laid her down onto my bed gently, and waited for her to wake up. The way Klaus spoke to her earlier kinda got me to thinking that he might be in love with Eliana, but then again I'm not so sure.

Katherine told Eliana once that Klaus was incapable of love, but I don't even know why Elli would have listened to her in the first place. I laid down next to Elli and waited patiently. I moved some of her hair out of her face as I watched her, thinking of all the times that I wished that she was here, in my arms, and now she was.


It's been a while since I brought her home and she still hasn't awakened yet. Suddenly she shot up and started gasping for air and looking around at her surroundings, until her eyes finally settled onto me. "Damon..."


"How did I get here, because the last thing I remember was collapsing onto the hospital parking lot, and the next time I see that son of a bitch Niklaus Mikaelson, I'm going to stab him with something or snap his neck, if I can anyway. That was like the third time that he snapped my neck and I'm pissed off that he did it, again."

"Eliana can we not talk about Klaus right now, please." I begged her because I haven't seen her or have held her since that night in the woods when she saved me from Ray.

"Yeah, sure." She said while she gently kissed my lips. "I have missed you so much and I can't believe that I'm back. I love you so much, Damon." She confided to me.

"You don't know how much I've missed you. I love you so much, Eliana, so don't you ever leave me again." I confided back and I smashed my lips upon hers.

As we began to deepen the kiss she jerked up suddenly and said "How's Elena and is she safe?" She asked panicked.

"Elena's home and doing better now that she isn't being used as a blood bag for Klaus' hybrids. Don't worry, Bonnie is with her keeping a watch on her, so she's in good hands. Now that that's out of the way, can we finish what we started, please." I begged again, and I don't ever do the begging thing.

"Damon..." she paused for a moment and I could see tears starting to build up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry about Stefan. I can't believe he's gone and shut it off. I watched as Klaus forced him to shut it off, and the look in Elena's eyes when it happened... she was mortified. After everything that I went through to protect him from Klaus' compulsion... and now he's gone. I've lost my best friend and I hate Klaus for it. Where were you, Damon?" She asked with tears flowing down on her face.

I wiped away a few of her tears and said. "I shouldn't have left." I paused and took her hand in mine and said "I promise you... I will never leave you again." I promised and kissed her.

"Well, isn't this lovely?" I hear someone say from my bedroom door, so Elli and I both got up to see who it was, and it's Stefan of all people.

"What are you doing here Stefan?" Eliana asked him.

"Last I checked, I live here." He paused for a moment and then continued "Klaus is gone, but he's asked me to keep watch on you and Elena until he returns. From now on, Elena's under my protection. Mmm, by all means. Carry on." and then he left.

"I swear... if he even touches a hair on Elena's head, I'll kill him. I mean it, Damon.

"I know, sweetheart, I know."


There you have it, Chapter Twenty! Now I hope you all enjoy it and I threw in some of my own stuff in there, like Elli supposedly having magic. So what do you think. So is Elli really a witch? Does she have magical powers? Or was it Bonnie all along? I guess you'll just have to wait to find out. Until next time my Beautiful Readers.


April Love

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