Chapter Thirty:

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When I woke up this morning I felt recharged and ready for whatever awaits me today. Yesterday was amazing and also very tiring at the same time. Now I'm at the Grill having a glass of bourbon when Tyler showed up and spotted me from the entrance. Tyler started to walk my way and I started to leave, but he stopped me from doing so.

"Listen, we need to talk." Ty said as he pushed me back into the booth and then slid in next to me.

"What's this about, Tyler? I have to do, so hurry up." I stated in an angry sarcastic tone of voice.

"Okay, I know you're angry with me about the whole Jeremy thing, but I didn't have a say in the matter. The sire bond is too strong to fight it and I asked Klaus not to put Jeremy into his battle against Stefan but he wouldn't listen." Ty explained but I was barely listening.

"Ty, you are my friend and I know that you had no control over what you did in your part of almost killing my brother but..." I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts. "But, I don't know what you want me to say. I can say this, I don't fully blame you in your part of Klaus' plan, but I can't fully forgive you either. I understand how you feel about the whole sire bond, but I can't just sit here and make it seem as though nothing ever happened. I'm still your friend, but I'm just going to need some time to sort all of this out." I spoke my mind, and yes I knew his part in Klaus' scheme was only because of the strong bond to his sire.

"I can accept that. I just wish Caroline would be as accepting as you have been." Tyler spoke of Caroline with hurt in his eyes.

"She will be, just give her some time as well. Well, speaking of time, I have to go now. So if you will excuse me I will see you later on?"

"Oh, yeah, see you later." He got up and left soon after I did the same.


Later in the day I received a phone call from an old pal of mine. Izzy was in town and she wanted to meet up so she could tell me something important. I'm a little afraid of what that might be. So I suggested that we meet up at The Grill in an hour. Right now I'm getting ready but as I do I hear something strange, a knock on my front door and the reason why that is strange is because no one knows where I live. I rush downstairs to answer the door but see that there's no one there, the only thing that is on my front door step is a box with my name and address on it.

I cautiously pick up the box and bring it in the kitchen and put it on the table. I go to the sink and grab a sharp knife and start to open the box. As I open it a feeling of fear crosses over me, but as soon as I left up the flabs of the box I see a painting of me. It's a beautiful painting too. Underneath the painting was a bottle of Bourbon and a note. The note read: "A beautiful painting for a beautiful woman. Sincerely, Niklaus" Of course it's from Klaus. I put it aside and run upstairs to finish getting ready.

I finished my make-up off with some red lipstick, then, I put on my sliver/greyish leggings, and a V-neck red blouse. I walked from the bathroom into my bedroom then grabbed my keys from the night stand, and grabbed my leather jacket then headed for my car.


I pulled up into the parking lot of the Grill and got out, I pushed the lock button on my key ring to lock the car, then headed in. As I entered I noticed that Damon and Alaric were at the bar but they didn't notice me. Thank god, because I didn't want to have to talk to Damon. I saw Izzy waving at me and I went to her booth. We hugged and squealed a bit then we sat I the booth. "OMG! Its been too long since I've seen you. How are you doing, Izzy?"

"Fine but we really need to talk. There's something that I need to tell you first. I am a hybrid. Klaus turned me and my pack about a week ago and he has summon me to come join him here, in Mystic Falls. Please don't hate me, I know that you dislike him but I can't control the sire bond or I wouldn't even be here right now. I still love you like a sister but I agreed when I signed up for this that I would do anything for him just to not turn every full moon. I owe him everything, Elli. So please, don't be upset with me and the path that I have chosen."

"Oh, Izzy, I'm not mad but I'm not pleased either. I know how horrible it was for you to turn every full moon, I know this because I was there with you and your mom. I was the one to help you both chain yourselves up and to make sure you didn't escape the dungeon cell every full moon." I took her hand in mine. "I love you like a sister more than I do mine own right now, but Klaus makes me want to pull all of my hair out be the root. He's a narcissistic asshole who needs to be put out of his misery."

"Now, that's not a nice way to speak of me especially after I sent you that lovely gift, now is it?"

"Speak of the Devil and the devil shall appear. Hello, Klaus, what do you want?" I sarcastically asked in no mood to be bothered by him right now.

"I flattered but I'm not here for you, love. Izzy I will be needing your assistance here shortly, so say goodbye to Eliana and meet me outside." Klaus left after that. Izzy grabbed a napkin and a pen from her jacket pocket, then wrote something on the napkin. She stood as did I and we hugged but as she was about to walk away she slipped the napkin into my jacket pocket then left.

As I was about to reach for the napkin my cell phone rang, I looked at the at my phone and saw it was Elena.

"What do you want?!" I answered not wanting to talk to her.

"Hey Bonnie, Matt, and I are meeting up at Caroline's house to throw her a birthday bash, did you want to join in on the festivities?" Elena asked.

"If its for Caroline, then yes, I'll be there. But only for Caroline so don't think I want to have any conversations with you." then I hung up. As I left the Grill I pulled out the napkin and it read: "Caroline is in trouble tonight, Klaus told Tyler to bite her so keep an eye on her.". Oh god, I'm gonna kill Klaus. I got into my car and pulled out and drove toward Caroline's house.


As I arrived at Caroline's house, I seen Bonnie and Matty standing outside waiting on me. I parked my car about a block away from her house so she wouldn't know that I was here. I got out and locked the doors, and made my way down the street to her house.

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