The Mines of Moria

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I started to wake up but I was being carried by someone. Smelled like the woods, and pine.
"Legolas?" I asked as I started to wake. Has he carried me the whole way? Where were we anyways?
"Erillin, are you ok?" He asked concerned.
"Where are we?" I asked as my eyes fluttered open.
"The entrance to Moria." He answered sweetly. What? That was a days walk at least.
"What? Did you carry me the whole way? I'm sorry to burden you with my extra weight." I stammered as I got off him. But my legs gave in and I dropped.
"You were no burden, M'lady" He said helping me to my feet. I blushed slightly. I looked over at everyone they were all sitting around.
"What is going on?" I asked.
"We can't get the door open." Frodo said. I read the markings on my door.
"Gandalf! It's a riddle. Speak 'Friend'. Say friend in Elvish" I said cheerfully.
"Oh Erillin, Its glade to see you awake." He turned to me.
"Ok. Let's see here, Mellon." Gandalf said. The doors started opening. I let go of Legolas as he made his way inside. Everyone was now inside but frodo and I. Suddenly something wrapped around my ankle and lifted me up. I notices Frodo going though the same thing.
"Aragorn!" I screamed!
"Strider! Help!" Sam yelled. Everyone came running out and someone cut the tentacle that was holding me and I was now falling!
"Ahh Help!" Someone caught me. At first I thought It was Legolas but he was at the far shore shooting arrows.
"Aragorn?" I asked.
"What? Disappointed?" He asked pretending he was hurt. He put me down and I ran out of the water. Boromir cut the tentacle that held Frodo and caught him as he fell.
"Everybody inside!" I screamed. Everyone passed by me as I loaded my Bow. Legolas and I shot an arrow in unison and killed the beast. We quickly ran inside. Rocks have collapsed on then entrance once we made it in.
"Erillin, are you alright?" He helped me up.
"Yes thank you." I smiled politely. Everyone fell silent.
"Stay Quiet, it is a four- day journey to the other side or Moria. Hopefully, our presences will go unnoticed." Gandalf said as he placed a crystal on his staff and made it light. We walked through tunnel and the smeel of death was horrid. We came to a very steep stair case.
"Ugh! Stairs" I complained.
We climbed up but when we reached the top, there where 2 stoned arches, doorways. Gandalf look at the doors puzzled.
"What is it, Gandalf?" I asked Walking over to him.
"I have no memory of this. place." He said. Ok so we were going to be here a while.
"Are we lost?" Pippin asked.
"No-" Merry started but I cut him off.
"Shh, Gandalf is thinking." I shushed them.
"Merry, I'm hungry." Pippin said. I walked away and sat near the edge. There was something down there.
"What is that?" I asked no one particular.
"There something down there." Frodo added as he sat next to me looking over. At least I knew I wasn't seeing things.
"It is Gollum, He been following us for 2 days" Gandalf broke his silence.
"He's escaped the dungeons of Barad- Dur?" Frodo questioned.
"Escaped... Or set loose." I said thinking out loud.
"He hates and loves the ring, as he hates and loves himself. He will never be rid of his need for it." Gandalf told Frodo and I. Frodo walked back and sat next to me.
"I wish the ring had never came to me. I wish none of this would of happened." He leaned his head on my arms. And I wrapped it around him for comfort.
"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." I gave him a reassuring smile.
"Ah, this is the way." Gandalf stood.
"He's remembered!" Merry said happily.
"No. But the air doesn't smell so foul down here." The Hobbits and I chuckled.
"If in doubt, follow your nose." I added with a smile. We walked down a stair case that led to what seemed like a grand hall. Rows and rows of columns as far as My Elf- Eye could see.
"Gandalf, Can you risk alittle more light?" I asked him for I wanted to see more. He nodded and his staff grew brighter.
"Behold, the great realm and Dwarf-city of Dwarrordelf." Gandaf gestured around us. We walked on till we found a small room.
"Noo! Noo!" Gimli cried running in. It looked like a tomb. But a great battle took place here.
"Here lies Balin, Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria" Gandalf read the writing on the tomb. I placed my hand on Gimli's shoulder as he sobbed.
"We must move on. We cannot linger." Suddenly, there was a loud crashing noise. We all look at Pippin as he accidentally knocked over the bucket that fell deep into the under mines.
"You fool of a Took!" I snapped at him.
"Throw yourself in next time, to rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf snapped at him too. We waited quietly for any trace of noise. There was the faint noise of a drum beat. It started getting louder.
"Stay back! Stay close to Erillin!" Aragorn said as I gathered the Hobbits behind me. Boromir ran to close the door and 2 arrows nearly hit his face.
"They have a Cave-troll" He said as he barricaded the door.
"Oh Joy!" I said with sarcasm.
"Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in moria who still draws breath." Gimli shouted. Let's hope all my training paid off. I stayed in from with Legolas and Aragorn as we shot arrows that never missed its target, their heads. The goblins finally came in and I put my bow away and took out my twin daggers! I was so busy in the fight that I didn't notice that the cave- troll was hunting Frodo. I looked up and watched as Aragorn went flying though the air and landed motionless on the floor.
"Aragorn!!" I screamed but then the troll pierced Frodo with a spear.
"FRODO!! NOO!!" I scream. The troll looked back as me. Suddenly I felt myself getting hot. I screamed and a gust of powerful wind swirled around me. I didn't know what I was doing, It was just happening. I threw my hands to the side and all the weapons of the goblins rise up in the air and I made it turn towards the Troll. Both Goblin and the Fellowship were watching in awe.
"You, Troll, will go back to the Hells when you were bred from!" I yelled and released the weapons upon the troll. Each stabbing it deep. It groaned and cried as the swords, spears, axes, arrow, were stabbing it. I watched as Legolas fired an arrow into his neck and finally killed the troll. I let all weapons drop. I was so out of breath. What just happened?!
I rushed over to Frodo with my healing pouch in hand, But he got up.
"I'm alright. I'm not hurt." He breathed out.
"What? You should be dead!" I said panting.
"That spear would have skewered a wild boar." Aragorn said then looked at me weirdly.
"There is more to this hobbit than meets the eyes. And more to Princess then just dresses." Gandalf said nodding to me. What did I just do? Frodo opened up his shirt to revel the Mithril.
"Mithril. You're full of surprises master Baggins." I chuckled along with Gimli. But the sounds of drumming started once more.
"To the Bridge of Khazard-Dum!" Gandalf yelled. Gandalf was leading and I was running behind him I tried to catch up and ask him.
"Wait. Gandalf, can you explain what just happened. How did I do that?!" He didn't say anything but we were surrounded with Goblins. But they all started to Flee. I looked beyond the distance and saw a great flames of fire.
"That is more then a simple cave- troll, Gandalf" My eyes grew large. I've only heard of this creature in legends.
"What is this new Devilry?" Boromir asked looking stunned.
"Not New, Ancient" I looked to Gandalf who's face showed worry.
"The Balrog. A demon of the Ancient World. This foe Is beyond any of you. Run!" He looked right at me. Why was that?
We came to another stair case but Boromir almost walk to the edge.
"Boromir!" I called. Legolas caught him before he could fall.
"Lead them on, you two. The bridge is near" He pointed to the narrow bridge across the stairs.
"But, Gandalf?" I whined.
"Do as I say! Swords are no more use here." He pushed me towards Aragorn. I walk to the edge and jumped easily, and so did Legolas. We helped the other across. Then, there were arrows being shot at us. I drew my bow and shot it at the goblin but there was one that I didn't see. There was a sharp pain in my arm. I looked down and saw an arrow sticking out. I bit my lip and quickly pulled it out. I looked to Legolas and he looked hurt. He quickly drew his bow and shot the Goblin that shot me. At least he cared.
I heard the sound of rocks crumble and Aragorn and Frodo were stuck on the small piece of stair.
The case starts to wobble.
"Aragorn, Frodo! Lean Forward!" I yell at them then grasp my arm to stop the bleeding.
"Are you ok?" Legolas asked me with concern. All I could do is nod. There was a loud thud and Aragorn and Frodo leap across to the bigger piece of stone. We all scurried across the narrow bridge.
Finally we were all safe on the other side of the bridge. Except, Gandalf!
"You shall not pass!" His voice echoed.
"Gandalf!" Frodo yelled out his name but Boromir held him back. All we could do was stand and watch.
"I am a servant of the secret fire wielder of the flame of Anor. The Dark Fire will not avail you, flame of Udun. Go back to the Shadow! You shall not pass!" Gandalf smashed his Staff and Sword against the bridge. The Balrag stepped forward but it broke under its weight. It fell deep into the darkness. But it used it's whip to catch Gandalf's ankle.
"Gandalf no!!" I screamed but someone was holding my back. I tried to fight back but he was to strong. Frodo was being held back too. Gandalf looked at me and said
"I'm sorry, I'm not the one to tell you who you are. Now fly, you fools." Then he let go. I scream and another powerful gust of wind picked up around me. But I turned and sobbed into the persons chest. Pine and the woods, Legolas. He carried me out till the sun hit my face. He rested me upon a rock and I cried into my lap.
"Aragorn!" I heard Boromir call. We all sat and cried for Gandalf's death. I was all cried out and I was just sitting there with my hand around my wound. I felt so lost.
"How is your arm?" I heard Legolas say. I looked up and he held out a cloth. He sat next to me and tied it tightly around it. But not to tightly.
"It is the least of our problem, Legolas" I answered plainly.
"Legolas, Erillin, Get them up." Aragorn's voice was harsh. How could he? These Hobbits need to rest!
"Have you no heart?! Let them morn, for pity's sake." I Stood and walked towards him.
"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs." He answered back.
"It is not nightfall yet, Arogorn!" I crossed my arms over my chest.
"He is right, Erillin" Legolas said as he put his finger under my chin. He made me look up at him. But I pulled away.
"We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Erillin, Get them up." Aragorn called out to us.
I looked over at Frodo but he was far off. I ran to him.
"Listen, I know This is hard, but he would want us to continue on, Frodo." I said hugged him tightly.

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