Chapter 2 - Change of Plans

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At the Uchiha residence, Sarada entered the apartment and closes the door. After alerting her mother, she headed towards to her room and lies down on her bed as her face begins to turn red once again. Sarada shrieks while her hands were on her face feeling romantically excited from what just happened between her and Boruto.

Sarada: Finally a date with Boruto! But I denied that it was a date! Uchiha Sarada you and your 'Uchiha pride'...Why do you need to deny that it's a date?! But still it's a date!

Sarada was still giggling and Sakura knocked her door then opened it. Before Sakura could speak she saw her daughter rolling around while giggling.

Sakura: Sarada?

As soon as Sarada heard her mother, she snaps out from her daydream and stood straight while her face turned into a serious look with sweat dropping from her forehead.

Sarada: Y-Yes mama?!

Sakura: What are you doing?

Sarada: N-Nothing!

Sakura examined her daughter and suspiciously smiled as she discovers that her daughter was blooming.

Sakura: Oh really? By the looks of it, it looks like you're in love.

Sarada: H-How could you say that?!

Sakura giggles as she thinks Sarada is cute when she is blooming.

Sakura: Just a motherly guess...C'mon dinner is ready.

Sarada nodded and then Sakura leaves the room. Sarada begins to head down stairs but before she got out, she looked at Boruto in their team picture and then smiled.

Sarada: I hope you enjoy your dinner Boruto.

Saradathen continued to walk downstairs to have her dinner with his mother.

At the Uzumaki residence, Boruto was going down stairs to see who had knocked the door. As he goes down he heard a conversation was going on that made him stop for a while to eavesdrop.

Hinata (Worried tone): Really?! Does it really need to be that long?

???: Unfortunately yes.

Hinata: Does Naruto already know?

???: Yes, he was the first one I informed and he was fine with it, but the final decision will based from you and Boruto's answer.

Boruto continues to walk down and then he saw Sasuke and Hinata.

Boruto: What's up?

Hinata looks at Boruto with a sad look on her face.

Boruto: What's wrong mom?

Hinata sighed and looked back at Sasuke.

Hinata: I will not intervene to his growth...So I must accept,

Boruto: Accept on what mom?

Hinata: Your uncle Sasuke will tell it to you...Do you want some tea Sasuke?

Sasuke: No thanks I'm good.

Hinata goes back to the living room and continued her knitting.

Boruto: What is it Sasuke-sensei?

Sasuke: I need to talk to you...This is about your training as my student.

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