Chapter 10

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As she rode along beside Wade, Kristi couldn't help but feel a tiny bit smug at the way things had turned out. Though he had not been happy about it, Wade had agreed to let her have Shotgun. Though he had told Ollie to hold off payment temporarily incase she came limping back to town in search of an actual mount. This had surprised the old stable keeper, who had been sure Wade would refuse, and he promised to give the horse away for half price should she still want it in a week. For now, Shotgun was a loan.

Wade had then mounted his sensible horse, Beau, and had ridden away from the livery, scarcely glancing to see if Kristi followed. 

Kristi grinned at Ollie in triumph before waving goodbye to him as she urged Shotgun forward.

Wade had ridden in silence, a scowl firmly on his face. Though he probably thought himself fierce and brooding, he reminded Kristi of a sulky child. She had to hold back a chuckle at seeing the serious cowboy acting in such a manner.

Riding through unfamiliar territory, towards the start of her new job, Kristi felt excitement for the first time in weeks. She was nervous at the thought of being in such a foreign situation as this was, miles away from home and people she knew, but also relieved to be distanced from the painful memories. Everything was fresh here. She looked forward to the adventure of it all.

Kristi spared a look beside her at Wade. His moping was putting a damper on her good mood. She decided to do something about it. The terrain was mostly flat, with a few trees to the left of them, growing near a stream. Kristi leaned forward slightly over Shotgun's neck. He seemed to sense what she wanted from him, for when she touched her heels to his sides, he leapt forward with a startling force. Kristi let out a small cry of excitement as suddenly they were racing, the wind whipping past them. She heard Wade shout after her and was aware, of the pounding hooves behind her, but she didn't loo back.

Ahead of them, the creek curved and Kristi reined Shotgun towards it, still at full speed. She did not know if he could jump, but she would find out.

He slowed slightly, but took the jump smoothly, easily, as if the stream had not ben there at all. Kristi was elated. She enjoyed as she always had, the moment of weightlessness that occurred mid jump. Shotgun cleared the stream by several feet, landing safely on the opposite bank. One thing was certain, he could jump.

Kristi let him go a few more paces before reining him in. Wade was on the edge of the creek now, waiting for her. Kristi nudged Shotgun forward and he took the jump just as easily the second time. She circled him around and ended up beside Wade. He did not look happy.

"What in tarnation do you think you're doing?" he fumed.

Kristi leaned forward and patted Shotgun's neck, a smile on her face despite Wade's anger. "I was seeing what he could do."

"And if he had bolted? What then?"

"Then, Mr. Collins," she replied mischievously, "We'd both be far away from your glowering stare."

Wade took a deep breath, exhaling slowly from his nostrils. "Do you know how many men that animal has thrown?"

She opened her mouth but he cut her off. "All of them, all of the riders who've tried, he's thrown them all."

She attempted to speak but agin he did not let her. "I am sure you ride very well, and now I've seen it, but it is my job to get you to the Double B safely."

HE he lifted one hand in an exasperated gesture, "Please, will you just let me do that without worrying about you provoking that devil beast too?"

Kristi frown. "Very well, Mr. Collins."

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