Chapter 3

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Kristi had given up trying to read after a few moments, opting instead to try for sleep. Surprisingly, she had succeeded and had succumbed to sleep in a matter of minutes.

She awoke late the next morning, having already missed seeing Dr. Gage because of his departure for work. As usual, Iris was at the bedroom door by the time Kristi had picked out her outfit. Kristi answered the door, swinging it wide open. "Good morning Iris," she greeted happily.

Iris entered the room warily. "Something is different about you," she said suspiciously.

Kristi grinned, unable to contain her joy. Everything was perfect. It was a beautiful day, she had a wonderful place to live, she would be a certified nurse before the month was out, and sometime this week, she would receive her first ever gentleman caller.

Once she was dressed, she floated down the stairs, a smile on her lips while she hummed softly. She breezed into the kitchen. Mrs. Westley was at her regular post at the oven. She pulled a fresh loaf of bread from it as Kristi entered. She heard the tune Kristi was humming and she smiled.

"Good morning deary," she said, "If I don't miss my guess, it seems as if you're a bit more chipper today than usual."

Kristi just smiled and nodded to her as she retrieved a knife and helped herself to a piece of freshly baked bread.

Mrs. Westley had a sly look on her face as she took the last loaf from its pan to cool. "I don't suppose this mood of your's has anything to do with a certain young Dr. Ryans, does it?"

Kristi's smile widened, but she did not answer, instead focusing her attention on the slice of bread in her hand. Mrs. Westley smiled in response, and on her way to the kitchen sink, she nudged Kristi lightly with her hip.

"I know this look, it's as plain as the nose on your face. There's no use trying to hide it, I've seen it before, in fact, I've worn it before."

When she returned to the table, she looked Kristi in the eye with a maternal look on her face. "Now tell me, what exactly did the young man do last night to put such a look on your face?"

Kristi bit her lip for a moment before revealing to the motherly woman that Carter had asked permission to call on her.

Mrs. Westley beamed. "Oh, I remember that feeling as if it were yesterday. It took Mr. Westley much longer than it took young Dr. Ryans though. Nearly a year passed before he had the nerve to face my father, in fact, it took him so long that I was sure he hadn't even noticed me. He didn't have much time for courting, but the moments we had were enough for me to realize that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him."

Her face softened at the fond memory, her smile warm. "Things are different now than they were then, especially in the city. Everyone is in such a hurry to go and do and see. I am sometimes overwhelmed by the rapidness of it all, but whenever I'm with Mr. Westley, time slows down just enough that I don't lose myself to the changing pace. He helps me be who I want to be just by being who he is. And if this Dr. Ryans makes you feel anything like Mr. Westley makes me feel, you'll know it."

Kristi went around the table and embraced Mrs. Westley tightly. Since Kristi had moved into Dr. Gage's home, Mrs. Westley had taken over the role of substitute mother. Whenever Kristi was missing her Mama, a visit with the motherly cook could always find a way to make her feel loved and reassured.

"Thank you, Mrs. Westley."

Mrs. Westley returned the embrace for a moment before letting go and returning to her usual bustling self. "Now, there's no reason for you to be sitting inside on your day off, especially when the day is as fine as this one," she told Kristi matter-of-factly, "You just get out of this kitchen and go enjoy yourself so I can get back to my work."

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