8: Broken Home

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I knew what today was and I dreaded it.


I sat up out of bed and got ready with what I have. I can smell burnt toast coming from downstairs.
I grab my stuff and run down, looking at Josh.

"Oh, good morning beautiful!"
He gives me a peck on the lips.

"Good mornin' Josh. Whatchya makin'?"
He pauses for a moment.

"Toast...I think..."

He hands me a plate with two entirely black pieces of bread.

"Yeah, I'll pass."
I chuckled.

"Hey, so would it be okay if we stopped by my house to pick up some stuff I'll need?"
Josh smiles, brushing the red fluff out of his eyes.

"Yeah, of course baby."
We pack our things and go. Once we arrived at my house, I asked Josh to stay in the car and told him I'd be right back. I walk up to the porch and open the dirty glass door.

"Hey mom, It's Tyler, I'm just here to grab some s-"


I run into the living room making sure everything was alright, and all I saw was my mom holding a broken shot glass and my dad with blood on his head. I immediately marched upstairs and went into my room. Once I shut the door and locked it, I let out a sigh of relief.

I grabbed my bag and started packing whatever I'd need. God knows how long I'll be at Josh's house, so I may need quite a few things. Once I finished up, I walked back out only to see my dad gone and my mother drinking another beer and holding a cigarette. I scoff and walk out.

Josh seemed concerned.
"Hey. You alright?"

I just shrugged my shoulders, and we continued our drive to school.
Once we parked, I grabbed my bag and waited for Josh to walk with me, and he grabs my hand, holding it with confidence and pride.
It made me feel nervous, but safe. All eyes were on us now, staring through us like daggers, judging, thinking.

The day went on as normal, until I separated from Josh. He had to go to a different class so he kissed me and said goodbye. I stride towards my next class until I was pulled into the men's bathroom.

This can't be good.

I spot Leo and a few other men surrounding me. I haven't seen him in a while.

"Listen up, emo faggot. If you speak a word of what's about to happen next..."
He holds a switchblade to my neck.

"I'll fucking kill you."

A/N: OOOOOOH ENJOY THE CLIFFHANGER?? Lmao I hope you guys are enjoying this series, please comment, vote, and share!

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