6: Wild Night

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I slip in and out of consciousness, seeing flashing images. A car, street lights, a house, and a dark room.

I'm finally able to stay awake as I observe the room in front of me. I'm in Josh's house, for sure. I think I'm in his room, I can tell because it's an absolute MESS.

I move ever so slightly and start to feel a pounding in my head and nausea. I look next to me for a nearby trash can, only to find one that already seemed to have some puke in it.

I dry heave a few times before mostly hot liquid comes out my throat and nose.

"Hey hey, you alright?"

Someone rushes into the room and a warm hand rubs my back and hands me a glass of water.

I gurgle the vomit out of my mouth, spitting into the trash can. Trying to gather myself once more, I look to meet chocolate eyes.

"I feel like shit."
Josh chuckles.

"Well, I left some medicine, water, and mouthwash on the nightstand. Get some rest and we'll talk when you feel better."
As he walks out the room, I take the painkillers and snuggle into his warm, clean sheets.

"I love you, Tyjo."
I don't respond and wait for my hangover to end.
I wake up at god knows what time, and sit up slowly, making sure I won't be sick again.
I grab the glass of water and manage to stumble my way downstairs. Josh was at the table on his phone. When he saw me, he looked up and smiled.

That damn smile. Why does he have to look so good?

"Hey, how are you feeling?"
"Not great."
I had a hoarse and groggy voice.

"Listen, Tyler. I'm really sorry about what happened. I never meant to cheat on you. I was drunk. I'm sure from your experience last night you don't remember a thing, correct?"

I shake my head. The most I remembered was me being outside for three seconds, a dog, and then something about a rubber chicken.

"Yeah. So, I have no memory of me and that boy kissing. Plus, when we got into the argument, I was having my own hellish hangover. But still, all excuses aside, I should've understood you better, and I should've listened."
I can't tell if he was being sincere, but something about his tone and the way his eyes looked made me feel safe.

"It's okay, Josh."
He gives me an annoyed look.

"No, it's not. It was a fucked up thing for me to do to you."
I sigh.

"You're right, it's definitely a fucked up thing to do. So promise that you won't do it again, alright?"
He nods his head.

"Oh, and can you promise me one more thing, Josh?"

"And what might that be, Tyjo?"

"Never let me near alcohol ever again. That shit is gross."

He starts laughing his ass off, but contains it enough to say,
"I promise. Now go upstairs and take a short shower then a hot bath, it'll help, trust me. I would make you something to eat, but you look like you need water more than anything."

He was right. When I looked into the mirror my skin was pale, my lips were chapped, and I felt dizzy. I took a small paper cup from the sink and filled it up with water. I was surprisingly able to keep it down.

I took my shower, washing away the dirt on my scraped knee, and I cleaned myself up to smell more like Axe rather than sweat and vomit.
I'm seriously never even gonna look at alcohol again.

After I finish cleaning myself, I run a hot bath, and slip in. After I got used to the heat, I could feel my muscles loosen up. I must've done some shit last night, it feels like I pulled a muscle in my leg, and I'm sure I have bruises from falling down.
It was so relaxing, I could stay there forever.

One hour later

The bath became disappointingly cold, so I stepped out, drained the tub, and dried myself off. Keeping my towel wrapped around my body, I walk out the door only to find comfy clothes, fresh out of the dryer.

He really knew how to take care of me.

After I was dressed and covered in warmth, I finally came downstairs and to see a large glass of water on the table.

"Drink up, but not too fast."
Josh smirked, looking at my brown, curly hair.

"You look a lot better now. Do you feel better?"

I smile and nod.
What did I do to deserve such an amazing person in my life?

I bring the glass of water into the living room and sit on the couch. There was some documentary on the TV, but I wasn't paying attention. Josh was doing a little dance in the kitchen, and I don't think he noticed me until our eyes met. His face turned to a deep pink color and I couldn't help but laugh.

I thought about what had happened. When he said he loved me, and I ignored him. Maybe he really does love me...

"Hey....uh, Josh?"

"I....I love you too."

He smiles that perfect smile.

He comes over and places a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you the most."

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