1: Red Hair

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Tyler's POV:

I walk into the packed high school wearing one of my usual, dark outfits.

I went through my daily routine of Biology class, Art class, History class, Lunch, and then my last class.
My last class was Algebra, which I'm not a big fan of. Our teacher was Mr. Samuel, but we call him Mr. Sleepwell because he always sleeps during the last period.

Most kids see that as on opportunity to be on their phone, while others see it as a chance to pick on me, the "fairy".

I walk into class, sitting in the back left row, listening to music. As the bell rung, more students started to flood the class and I sunk in my seat, trying to become invisible.

"Okay class," Mr. Sleepwell said.
"Today we are continuing our homework packet number 3, now please try to finish this the best you can."

He sat down, and I could immediately hear the rustling of papers. Mr. Sleepwell turned to his computer, and put in some headphones; he was out in seconds.
As I was about to do the same, some student pulled out my earbuds.

"Hey, fag. I've been trying to get your attention. Now give me your homework packet for me to copy, or your precious little earbuds go bye-bye."

This is Leo. Always picking on me when he can. In defeat I handed over my packet and he handed over my earbuds.
"Thanks, I'll bring it back tomorrow, fairy."

Yeah yeah, I know. He seems like a stereotypical jock, but he's actually smart; just lazy.

He chuckled and I went back to my music. I don't know what I'd do without it. As I pulled out my sketchbook, a good half an hour passed by until I noticed the classroom door crack open. It was Mrs. Parson, the shitty, low-budget counselor here.

But she wasn't alone. There was a boy with red hair next to him. Tall, buff, and he had gauges. Seems like my kind of guy. Mrs.Parson looked at the sleeping teacher and just shook her head. Moving to the front of the class, she introduced us to the new student.

"Excuse me class, but I would like you all to give our new student, Josh Dun, a warm welcome."

Girls tried to pull him their way, while the jocks cawed and croaked for their "newest member" to join them. Yet, he didn't go anywhere near them.

Instead, the red-haired boy sat next to me.

"Hey, I'm Josh."


(A/N) I know his is a pretty stereotypical Joshler fic, but keep reading until the end, you won't regret it.....I hope.

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