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She loved mysteries so much, that she became one.

It started to get cold and cold every passing minute.
The temperature was dropping and darkness spread throughout her room like black halo. The only light seeping in through her window was the moonlight. Glancing back at the sky, she felt peace. Darkness. She loved it. Stars were twinkling across the vast sky amongst the depths of the clouds. The moon peeked it's way from the cluster of clouds looking mysterious. It should out, tall and proud.

As she gazed out, looking at it, her eyes shone brightly making her soft hazel orbs visible. Few people out there were like the moon. They had enough power to outshine whoever crossed their path and didn't need anyone by their side. Their light alone would suffice to to destroy anything that took over. She gently shook her head sweeping her brunette locks out of her way as the wind picked up its speed. She had this weird fetishise where she would compare people to anything abstract. She made the things look alive as if they were mere humans. She added just a bit of human touch to them and let her mind do the thinking on it's own.

Sighing, she glanced at the alarm clock on her nightstand. It was way past one, she needed sleep and she needed it now. Else tomorrow would be another grumpy day for her considering the fact that she was not a morning person. Tossing and turning she finally found herself comfortable lying beneath her purple quilt. She snuggled into the warm blanket seeking for warmth as she slipped into dark abyss.

Harsh truth. I've never had Skittles. How are they?

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