Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Waking up the next morning, I have a throbbing headache. I am lying on my stomach with my face in a pillow and get a whiff of the strong stench of sweat and sex. Lifting my head, I notice I am not in my room. I am in a strange bed with not one but two unknown men! Oh god.. I don't even want to know how I ended up like this.

Quitely and as slow as possilble, I inch my way off the bed. Trying my hardest to not wake anyone up. Looking around the room for my clothes, I start picking my things up. I find my shoes, my bra and underwear, and my clutch from last night. All in a pretty straight line that leads to the door. Man, we must have been in a hurry to get to the bed!

After searching the room for a few more minutes, I have come to the realization that my dress has disappeared. I searched the bathroom, the entire room, and even under the bed. I put what clothes of mine that I have found, on. Then I pick up a white button up shirt that belongs to one of the guys on the bed. This will have to do for now. Walking to the door, I see that it is slightly open. Looking down at the ground, I see why. My dress! It must have come off before I even made it into the room last night. Makes since considering where it is. Taking off the shirt I have just put on, I change back into my dress, I look over at the guys once more. They vaguely look familiar and they smell like wolves. Other then that, I can't figure out how I might know them.

Turning around, I walk out of the room and gently shut the door behind me as I try to avoid waking up the two guys. I make my way down the hall and to the elevator. Once it arrives, I get in and push the first floor button. On the way down, it stops on the third floor and an elderly couple get on the elevator as well. Eyeing me up, the old hag leans in to whisper to her husband about "Cheap hussies".

Not knowing I heard her, she turns back to me with a fake, polite smile. There is a chiming sound, indicating we have made it to the first floor. The doors open and as I am stepping out, I turn to the couple and say, "You're in Vegas, what do you expect?".

Making my way to the check-in counter, there is a younger looking guy working. As he is looking me up and down, I get close enough to him and clear my throat to bring his attention back to my face. "Can you tell me how far Bally's is from here?" I ask him.

"Sure, it is about a ten minute walk from here, all you have to do is take a right when you exit the building, then go straight." He replies back.

Nodding my head, I give him a thanks in return and start to turn around. Before I can even take two steps, he gets my attention again. "I get off in five minutes, want to grab something to eat, then head back to my place?"

Laughing, I measure him up and say, "No thanks, I don't think you are man enough to handle me." With a wink, I walk away.

On my way to the hotel I am supposed to be staying at, I pass all kinds of street performers. I stop and watch a dance group for a minute, before continuing on my way. Once I arrive at the hotel, I make my way up to the floor my room is on.

Standing outside the door to the room, I remember I don't have a room key. Mentally slapping myself, I start banging out the door. After a few seconds the door flings open with a smirking Kendra. As I shove past Kendra, I come to an abrupt halt.

My mouth is open, and I know I am gaping at the scene, but I can't help it. There on the bed, the one I was supposed to be sharing with Nathan, is three very naked girls. One of them is Shadow, the other two I have never seen before. Nathan is in the middle with one girl lying flat on top of him, with Shadow and the other chick are on either side.

Turning to look at Kendra, I see she is sitting on the other bed with Jayce. "When did this happen, and what the hell happened last night?"

"You don't remember?"

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