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Original: February 16th, 2018 with 1593 word count

Updated: February 22nd, 2019 with 2430 word count


As they were climbing the hill towards the gem, it was silent for what seemed like forever. Kirara trailing beside her as the men were behind her, watching her back as her black/ombre hair swaying behind her. Her olive toned skin glowing in the sun. Her sky-blue eyes shining in the sun, watching in front of her as she took in the scenery.

"So, tell us," began the tall one in glasses as he glanced at her back. "What is your name and where are you from, exactly?"

Bella pinched her light-colored lips gently together without them seeing, trying to think of an answer. When she finally thought of one, she turned to them with a smile on her face. "Well, I will try and keep this answer short," She looks at everyone as she watched their faces. "My name is Isabella, but please call me Bella and this is my companion, Kirara," she points at her companion as Kirara mews. "We both come from a place called Midgar, but we moved to a place called Edge, but I'm originally from a place called Gongaga,"

She heard a snort from the bright blond as Bella chuckles. "Go ahead and laugh, it is a funny name," She continues up the hill as she turns around as she looks down taking a deep breath. "We were walking home one day and suddenly I felt something odd and I was... transferred here to this place."

"Anything else you can tell us?" asks the dark-blue haired one behind her after a moment of silence, she turns around and shakes her head gently. "How come?"

"I think you should earn that privilege, don't you think?" inquires the young woman with a quick wink his way, "I don't just spill the beans on the first date," She joked obviously, and giggled when the men chuckled at the prince's face. It went silent for the rest of the climb, she felt relieved when no one asked more questions.

She'd rather keep it that way.

"Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero, you need to have dreams." She remembered her brother reminding her constantly. Looking over at Kirara as she keeps her eyes forward not knowing Bella glanced at her. Bella raised her hand petting her head making her purr loudly.

The four men watch her as she walked ahead of them. "What do you think of her, Noctis?" asked the dirty blond hair man, looking at the prince.

In his own reality, Noctis didn't have the words to tell his advisor about the young maiden. He knew in his mind he was in love with Luna but – something about this young woman was making his palms sweat and butterflies swim around his stomach. Was that his heart racing? He couldn't make heads or tails of it. Snapping out his thoughts, he looked at his friend.

"She seems nice, I don't know if she can fight though," Noctis said with a shrug of his shoulders. They all look at her once more, they could see some of the muscles she has on her arms a bit. "But – I could be wrong,"

"She looks tough," The bright blond told them. "She looks like she could hold her own, probably not against Gladio though,"

The brute scoffs, glaring at the young maiden's back, truth be told he thought she had a chance against him but – he didn't want to say anything about it. Something about her didn't send any red flags to him as he felt like she was someone they could trust. But, looks can always be deceiving.

"Now, gentlemen," She said turning to them with a smile. "Shall we get this over with?"    


"Oh... Em... Gee!" The sharpshooter whispers loudly as they round the corner at the top of the hill and see the giant bird sleeping.

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