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Sitting in the car with Kirara in her lap, Bella was hearing the tires driving on the wet pavement and the rain pouring down on the car. Bella was stroking Kirara's fur gently, it was going to be a long drive, she was guessing another fifteen minutes at most. Bella kept her mouth shut trying to think of what they should do.

Gripping Kirara's fur gently, Bella couldn't fathom on what was going through all their minds. Their home was being attacked and there was nothing they could do.

"I hope everyone's okay..." Prompto says barely above a whisper.

Noctis rolls his eyes, "Lotta good hoping's gonna do,"

"You mustn't lose faith," Ignis tells him looking at him through the review mirror in the car

Noctis leans up angrily looking at Ignis with a glare. "Really?" Noctis asks him. "Can faith stop a fleet of Imperial Dreadnoughts?"

Bella sighs looking down at Kirara who was still asleep on her lap. "Give it a rest," Bella heard Gladio tell the Prince.

"My old man had plenty of faith —" Noctis leans back trying to defend himself and his father but Gladio shook his head and told him "Enough,"

It was silent for a minute, Bella looks up opening her mouth but instantly closed it. Why couldn't she think of what to say? Sighing quietly, looking outside seeing it pouring down.

"The empire lied," Prompto began again. "They betrayed us,"

Ignis shakes his head. "Conjecture gets us nowhere, we're searching for the truth."

"And you'll find lies — like that ceasefire,"

It grew quiet again in the vehicle, all she could hear was everyone's uneven breath. They were scared of what they could find. She could tell Noctis was frantic over the news of his father, but she wanted to ignore it, but couldn't. What would her brother say in this situation?

Before she could go deep into her thoughts, Ignis stepped on the brakes hard making her jerk out of them. Bella looks up seeing cars in front of them.

"Uh-oh," Bella tells them.

"They set up an inspection point..." Ignis stated to them almost worriedly that they would be caught.

Gladio leans forward a little bit. "If the road ahead's blocked, then we find a way around."

"Is there another way?" Bella asks Ignis who nods. Taking a sharp left turn and he began driving on the wet muddy road.

When Ignis finally stopped, everyone began piling out, Bella was the last to get out and she looks at everyone. "Let's make a detour." Ignis starts with everyone. "There ought to be a decent vantage point up ahead."

Everyone agrees and began running towards the vantage point, climbing up the stairs, Bella looks up seeing the enemy waiting for them. Touching Kirara's head, she shines and makes Bella's weapon and as Bella jumps in the air, the enemy begins shooting at her.

Bella rotates her body to avoid being hit and stabbed the enemy in the chest and it short circuits falling down to the ground dead. Bella looks at another enemy as they shot at her. Bella dodged each shot trying to create some cover for her new friends as well when she shifted her sword into a gun, she shot back quickly hitting its head killing it instantly.

Bella turns seeing Gladio slashing at the enemy, Prompto also shooting at the enemy, Ignis was slicing them to pieces as they fell apart and Noctis was warping destroying the enemy quickly. Bella turns to Gladio seeing one about to shoot him, she rushes towards him shifting her gun back into a sword and jumps in the air landing on his back and jumps higher into the air falling down quickly pushing her sword behind her thrusting it in front of her cutting off the enemy's head.

"Thanks," nods Gladio very impressed. Bella grins his way rushing behind the men, as they proceeded to the next checkpoint.

Bella taking out her frustrations on the soldiers. She tried not to fight when she was angry, but she made the exception this time. After the whole thing with the prince when she told them about the Crown City, she didn't feel the need to punch him in the face anymore. Bella landed on the ground after the final checkpoint, they ran to the hill and saw the smoke in the distance. They stopped, the radio began reporting. Bella gasps at the scene putting her sword down and Kirara turns back to normal, Prompto took out his own and looked at the news.

"As the ceasefire discussions between the two nations, all provisional terms have been suspended in light of recent developments." It reported. Bella gasps quietly, putting her hand to her mouth feeling worried about the men. "Moreover, in the wake of the news of King Regis's death, we've now received word that Crown Prince Noctis and the Oracle Lunafreya have also been pronounced dead."

Bella turns to Noctis seeing him at a loss for words, she pinched her lips together as she scans around the men seeing all of them at a loss. Noctis was clearly alive and well, but - what made them think he wasn't? And who was Lunafreya?

When Bella's eyes turned to Prompto, his eyes widen trying to turn it off frantically but Gladio told him in shock to "Keep it on!" Prompto lifted his phone but it slipped out of his hands and landed on the muddy ground.

"Don't bother!" Noctis yells at him in anger. Prompto sighs, bending down to pick up his phone. Bella sighs, bending down herself, picking up his phone and quietly handing it too him. They both stood up when Imperial Dreadnoughts flew above them kicking up the mud getting everyone dirty.

Bella stares at them, Kirara jumps on her shoulder nudging her cheek gently. Bella brings her hand up and touches her head petting it gently curling her fingers in Kirara's fur. Bella's hair stuck to the middle of her back from the rain. Both Gladio and Noctis were making calls from what Bella could hear behind her.

"Do you think...?" questions the young woman looking at Prompto. Prompto nods his head a little keeping her close. "Prompto?"

Prompto shakes his head with a small smile on his face looking at her. "Don't worry about us, we'll make it though this,"

Bella smiles towards him and looks at everyone once more. "What did the Marshal have to say?" questions Ignis looking at the Prince.

"Said he'd be in Hammerhead." Noctis answers.

Gladio sighs, walking a few steps towards Noctis. "And the king?"

Noctis didn't have to say a word. Everyone knew that it was, Bella lets out a deep breath while walking up to him touching his shoulder gently. Noctis looks in the distance as does everyone else. Noctis didn't blame Bella for the news of his fathers' death, she didn't know anything about this world and didn't know anything about it. He just wished he was there to say more to him. They all turn reluctantly to head back to the car.

As they walked back, Bella sighs looking at the sky feeling the rain pour down once more. Sighing a little bit, she wondered a little bit if she was ever going to be back in own world. But — she doesn't regret meeting them. Kirara mews gently snapping Bella out of her own thoughts, Bella smiles taking Kirara and holding her in front of her face putting her nose against her loving pet.

"I love you and I'm so happy you're here, Kirara,"

"You're welcome, Isabella,"  Kirara whispers to her closing her eyes gently. Bella puts Kirara back and catches up to the men before they left her.


A/N: YAY! Another one done. I hope you like this one, yes — there is reference in this one from my other one. But whatever, I'm changing what I can. Please feel free to comment and vote if you like it(: love you guys!

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