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Bella was pacing while the men were in the tunnel to get to the Tomb. Kirara sat on the ground watching her owner intently in her big form in case anything happens. Bella stops pacing quickly and looks around the Wastleland around her. Frowning heavily, it reminded her much of the outskirts of Midgar. Taking a deep breath, she looks at Kirara.

"Do you think I'm in way over my head here?" asks Bella. Kirara looks at her as Bella throws her hands over her head. "'Cause I really feel like I am,"

"I honestly don't think you are, Bella," Kirara told her quietly, making sure no one heard her. "You're doing a good deed by helping them with their mission,"

"Why does it feel like... I'm not doing a lot, I don't know this world at all." Bella said putting her hands down gently looking down on the ground plopping down. "I don't know anyone here, other than you..."

"I wouldn't worry about it, Bella," Kirara told her standing up shaking her fur walking towards her friend. "I feel you're right where you belong."

Bella looks at Kirara as she helps her owner stand up as they stand by the tunnel waiting for the men to come back. Kirara stands behind her while they look around the Wasteland making sure enemies didn't bother them.

"I see you, Little Butterfly," A voice spoke behind them where the tunnel was. Bella tenses up looking behind her seeing no one behind her. "You think you can hide from me, but you have another thing coming."

"No... It can't be," Bella gasps out looking around for him as Kirara growls making sure he doesn't come around Bella. "You can't be here."

The voice disappeared, Bella was tensed up because of the whole thing. She knew he couldn't be here. He was dead, wasn't he? Taking a deep breath, Bella hears talking behind her. Kirara turns her head seeing the men walking towards them, Kirara walks towards them to make sure they were okay.

"Bella?" asks Prompto looking at her as she doesn't move. Bella jumps turning around seeing them there staring at her with confused looks on their faces. "You okay?"

"Oh, uh," Bella shakes her head taking one last look behind her then back at them with a smile on her face. "I'm fine! Did you find the Tomb?"

"Got it," Noctis told her showing her, his weapon he got. Bella admires it, touching it gently feeling the steel on it. It was authentic, but she wouldn't put past this world and their weapons. Smiling his way but then Noctis puts his weapon away and picks up his phone that began ringing. "Yeah?"

Bella didn't hear the conversation as the men around her began talking leaving her out of it. Pinching her lips together, she looks back at the Wasteland. Bella didn't want to burden her problems with theirs. They had enough to worry about, she didn't want to put that on them, in time, she'll take care of it.


"Yeah?" Bella said looking at the prince feeling the closeness of him. Her heart began racing against her chest and she was hoping he didn't hear it. "What's up?"

"You ready?"

Bella nods and begins to follow them. "People to see, bases to burn. Let's go see Monica at the outpost." Noctis informs them after Prompto asks him what's going on.

"Come to think of it, we did spy a large structure." Ignis begins remembering they did at one point during their trip.

"Yeah, hard to miss an ominous thing like that." Noctis nods in agreement with a light sigh.

Gladio grunts and chuckles a bit. "Ain't gonna be easy takin' down a whole stronghold."

"Can we really do this?" asks Prompto looking at everyone.

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