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Okay, okay, I see what's happening here... You're face to face with greatness and it's strange... wait, nope! WRONG FANFICTION! Haha! So, I got to thinking, I'm going to finish this chapter strong and maybe write a blast from the past with Bella and her older brother, Zack! Whaddya think?

Let's do this!


It had been several weeks after the incident with Leviathan, Bella, Kirara, and the Chocobros were on a train heading towards the Cartanica. Bella was sitting by herself with Kirara laying on her lap as she stares outside watching the scenery go by. Letting out a sigh, Bella looks overseeing everyone talking amongst themselves, it was mostly a quiet ride.

Kirara looks down at Bella's side seeing a bright purple and red mark covering most of her side. During the fight, both ladies didn't notice it until it started becoming apparent around the sixth-week mark, the men had asked her if she was alright, but Bella brushes it off as if it was nothing. Smiling at them. Kirara nudges her companions' side gently and stares ahead of her.

"So..." Prompto started looking at everyone. "We're gonna roll through Tenebrae?"

Bella leans up and looks at the aisle seeing Prompto and Ignis looking at one another. "Not before visiting the Royal Tomb in Cartanica,"

Bella stands up walking up with Kirara behind her and she sits next to Ignis and looks at him. "You're sure you're up for that?"

"The wounds of mended," Ignis answers looking over to Bella as Kirara sits in his lap as he pets her softly. "Eyesight's a matter of time,"

Bella looks overseeing Gladio standing up and walk to where Noctis was sitting, Bella gets ready to intervene if needed and she could hear him growl under his breath. "The hell is wrong with you?"

Noctis slowly raises his head slowly staring at Gladio with a 'what' look on his face. "We're not stopping in Tenebrae," Gladio was sneering. "You need to grow up and get over it."

"Guys!" Bella warns standing up.

Noctis stands up and glares at Gladio, confronting him. "I am over it!" Lie. "I'm here, aren't I?" Bella takes a step, ready to grab Gladio.

Gladio grabs Noctis by the jacket and pulls him close, Bella growls in annoyance towards the men and takes one more step. "Maybe when you're not busy moping, you can look around and give a shit about someone worse off than you."

Ignis. Bella begins shaking a little bit, but – then she remembers some of the wounds that she got after facing Ardyn. "Let go of me!" Noctis demands Gladio, glaring at him snapping Bella out of her thoughts.

"How's the ring fit ya?" asks Gladio, then points at Bella who was standing there. "You'd rather have Bella carry it around than wear it?" The anger was still evident in his voice. Bella then remembers what Noctis had asked her to do...

"Could you... Could you hang on to the ring until I need it?"

"Luna gave her life so you could do your duty, not so you could sit around feeling sorry for yourself!" Gladio continues.

"You don't think I know that!?" shouts Noctis getting out his grip making Bella growl in annoyance as she rolls her eyes.

"You don't!" Gladio roars in anger as he points at both Ignis and Bella. "Ignis and Bella both took one for you, too! And for what!?"

"Enough Gladio!" Ignis warns him to make him stop.

Bella takes another step and snaps too. "Guys! Enough!"

"You think you're a king, but you're a coward."

Noctis shoves Gladio angrily. "Shut up!" And with that, he grabs Gladio by the jacket as well, Bella finally had enough and grabs Gladio's arm tightly.

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