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I hope you enjoy this chapter! Not much going on other than - dun dun, more fighting! I have made some story a little to deter from the original, remember, we're following Bella's POV throughout this whole thing. This will be my last A/N until the end! <3 Enjoy!


During the ride on the train, Kirara and Bella were sitting at the booth, just enjoying it. The sunset was beautiful as they stared at the mountain ahead. Bella was petting Kirara gently as she rested on the table in front of her. Kirara was falling asleep with Bella's petting, she always enjoyed it. Smiling gently, Bella looks to the wasteland in front of her.

"I wonder where we're gonna expect in Tenebrae?" Bella quietly asks looking down at Kirara who was obviously asleep. "I wonder if it's still in one piece..."

Thinking back a little bit, she was wondering why she saw those two... She didn't mind seeing them – she missed them so much but at the same time – why? Letting out a small breath, she looks back outside not seeing Gladio walk by them. She began humming quietly under her breath. Closing her eyes gently, she begins thinking of a time she had with them. She had with everyone here, and it was marvelous in her mind – despite the fighting that occurred not long ago.

Men and their pride – it always seemed to confuse her, even when Zack and Cloud did it. Sure – there were differences, but still... Sighing a little bit, she opens her eyes and sees everyone sitting still, gasping a little bit, she stands up then quickly moves when "Ardyn" moves around her.

"C'mon, Noct. You're scaring me! Seriously, man, cut it out!"

Ardyn passes to the next car, where Noctis continues to doggedly pursue him with Bella following him with Kirara in tow. "Noct!"

"It's not safe. Plus, you're causing a scene. Quit playing around, okay?"

Noctis catches up to him and conjures his sword once again, which he immediately takes swing with, attempting to bisect "Ardyn" again, which made Bella gasp as they try to make it to the next car.

When the door didn't want to open, Bella tries to get it open so she could stop Noctis from hurting him. Kirara changed into her sabertooth form and rammed into it, making it open. Bella grins and rushes to stop Noctis. When she finally found them both, she jumps and grabs Noctis' arm holding it tightly.

"Bella! Wha – what are you doing!?" Noctis yells out struggling to get out of her grip. "Whose side are you on?!"

"Noctis, please!" ignoring the question, Bella keeps her grip. "You're going to have to trust me, Noctis, he's..." Before she could finish her sentence, the train jerked making Noctis fall on top of Bella knocking them both out.


Gasping awake, Bella doesn't see Noctis or "Ardyn", she feels Kirara lift her up from the ground as she heals whatever was ailing Bella. Bella looks at Kirara as they both nod, her eyes shining bright she turns to the door behind her ripping it open as they both jump off and into the fray ignoring the gasps and talk the people were making.

"Did you notice...?"

Kirara nods as she runs into the MTs quickly as they began shooting and trying to bomb the train. Bella hops off and begins to attack the MTs as well with some magic, Kirara pounces on some MTs biting them in the head before they could attack. Bella turns kicking one away from her, before it exploded by her knocking her back on her own behind. Groaning, she looks up seeing an MT above her making her gasp and roll before it attacked her.

"Bella!" shouted a familiar voice making her look over seeing Noctis staring at her with Prompto. Bella looks back at the MT ready to attack her once again, blocking the view, she heard the clash of metal on metal making her look up seeing Noctis stabbing the MT above her. "You alright?"

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