Chapter five

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9.14.18// Finn's dorm room party

Before I knew it, the small dorm room was tightly filled with overboard-drunk college students. I couldn't even find Finn from everyone being a literal giant, or just me being short.
As soon as I turned around, I bumped into someone causing me to nearly fall down. I looked up and quickly apologized before I noticed it was just Issac. I smiled in relief of finding someone that's not a complete creep...I take that back. Issac is kind of creepy.

"Hey, have you seen Finn? I thought this was a small party but guess not," I ask pushing my hair out of my face. Issac nodded and took a sip out of his red solo cup.

"Finn is really popular with the girls, if you know what I mean," Issac chuckled, leaning against a door frame causing me to shift. I rolled my eyes and grimaced. Yeah, I knew what he meant, but it doesn't hurt to pretend that I'm oblivious.
I stood next to him and crossed my arms over my chest. Issac glanced at me and smirked.

"He knows you're in love with him, Y/N, that's why he toys with you like this. I'm not trying to bash my own best friend or anything but maybe you should consider not revolving your whole entire life on him," Issac says as he gave me his cup. I looked down at the alcohol in it and sighed. I chugged the whole cup down and gasped for air when I finished. Issac didn't have any expression present but just simply refilled my cup.

"Thanks," I mutter as I slid against the wall. I never tasted alcohol before and the bitter substance is absolutely disgusting, but it's comforting in some weird way.

"This isn't about Finn," Issac observed. I shook my head as I showed Issac my arm with the "365" mark. He paused and grabbed onto my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes.

"Y/N. What—who gave you this?!" Issac stammered. His grip gotten tighter on my shoulders as I winced. I tried to shake him off but he kept on gripping harder.

"S-stop, you fucking psychopath!" I yelled. Issac let go of me as he showed his arm with the same mark except his says "0". His eyes teared up as the music suddenly stopped. We looked around and saw that time has stopped.

"What the fuck...," Issac whispered as the dorm room suddenly contained an eerie feeling. Everyone was frozen in their activities causing me to hyperventilate from their still forms. I intensely glanced at Issac's arm where the once golden number mark turned into a deep, golden slash.
Then a dark laugh that could only belong to the most evil entities emerged from the room. I hid behind Issac as a cold sweat dripped down my forehead. I looked at Issac where he was pointing at something. I followed his finger where nothing was in sight.

"I deserve to die. I'm mom was right. I'm just like my dad," Issac mumbled before walked foreword, as if he were in a trance.

"I-Issac?!" I called out. I walked over him and blocked his path. Issac pushed me to the ground as he walked to the bathroom where he took a bottle of pills. Oh god...
I ran up to him and attempted to pull the pills away from him. He just laughed through his tears.

"Leave me be," Issac glared as he pushed me into the tub where I hit my head hard. My vision became blurry but the last thing I saw was Issac overdosing on pills before I blacked out.

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