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Lance's POV

"Get up you losers." Lanny spoke as she opened the door.

"Shhhh! Go away!" I whisper-yelled.

I've been up for about an hour just playing with Keith's hair. Somehow during the night Keith had wrapped his arms around my waist and held a death grip while he slept.

My arms were around his neck as I played with his long messy hair.

"Lance! Lance!" Lavender and Laurence came running down the halls.

"Lanny! There's something wrong with dad." Laurence said pulling on Lanny's arm.

She looked at me, and I kissed Keith's forehead as he stirred. I tried to get out of his hold on me, but quickly gave up.

"I'll be down in a minute." I calmly stated, as my younger siblings pulled Lanny out the door.

I sighed, and leaned down placing my lips to Keith's, slowly his grip loosened as he kissed me back with a smile.

"Morning to you too." He chuckled, his eyes half open.

"I have to go downstairs, but I'll be back." I whispered.

He only nodded as he pulled his arms from me and rolled over, probably falling back asleep.

I shook my head, getting up from my warm bed, the cold winters air was freezing on my once warm skin.

I walked over to my dresser and got out one of my t-shirts, pulling it on over my head. I left my bedroom, closing the door after myself.

I walked downstairs, not in much of a hurry. Lanny came running over to me and pulled me aside.

"He knows about you and Keith... What do we tell Mum..?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure she already knows..." I sighed.

I pushed past her and walked over to where my Mom stood, my younger siblings hugging her legs and crying.

"Lance..." she spoke, her voice shaky from crying. "I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be sorry-" she hugged me tightly.

"You'll always be my baby, you know that right? You'll always be my son, unless you don't want to be my son, then you could be my daughter, or just my child, because if you feel like you shouldn't have a gender then that's fine and- I'm rambling aren't I?" She chuckled.

"Just a bit..." I smiled.

"The throne is still yours if you want it..." she sniffled, stepping back.

"I'd like that... Just not right now, in a while." I shuffled my feet.

"I get it." She chuckled. "If it helps, I never cared who you married." She wiped her tears.

"Wait... Does that mean he's...?"


"O-oh... I'm sorry, Mum..."

"I know he wasn't the best father... You could probably call him the worst." She chuckled, "although. A part of me, knows that deep down, he really did love you. All of you..."

"I know..." I sighed.

"Now. You don't have to worry about anything, go take care of your boyfriend." She smiled.

"So you knew then?" I asked, not really shocked in the slightest.

"I've known since the day I met him. A mothers intuition, is never wrong." She chuckled. "Now go. I've got Lanny, Laurence, and Lavender." She sighed with a small smile as she pat the heads of my younger siblings.

Marriage Fit For A King {Klance AU}Where stories live. Discover now